[RP] Guy Cecil, Demon Cutlass

Aug 17, 2011 23:05

Why your character should be a Weapon:
In canon, Guy already is a weapon. While he could just as easily have relied on Vandesdelca and Pere, the sword and shield of House Gardios, Guy chose to make himself the instrument of his own revenge. All the secret training he underwent, the careful plots he laid out for later execution, and the overwhelming emotions he endured over sixteen years were keenly focused on the creation of a human weapon capable of cutting others down mercilessly. Even when he leaves the idea of revenge behind him, he acts as a sword, sworn to eternal loyalty and friendship to his companions, slicing in to protect his friends when needed and always by their side even when sheathed.

What is your character's Weapon form?:

The Jewel of Gardios, Guy’s family sword which hung as a trophy in the fon Fabre household for sixteen years until it was returned to Guy, who pledged it and himself to eternal friendship with Luke. The blade of the sword is made of relentlessly sharp blue-tinged translucent crystal and curved to be shaped like that of a cutlass. Its guard is crimson and gold and extends a quarter-way up the blade on the flat edge while hooking down and up on the sharp one, protecting the hand of the wielder. Although mostly decorative, the back guard is studded with four protruding metal spikes that can be used in a brutal backhand manoeuvre. Although Guy’s weapon form has a worn, antique look to it, as though the relic of a bygone age, the grip looks relatively new; the leather straps are supple and very comfortable, quickly moulding to accommodate the wielder.

Guys’ Weapon classification is Demon Cutlass, and his form is a cross between a katana and a cutlass. His abilities are directly related to his fonic arte techniques back home, but to use any of his abilities, a Meister must first have and wield a matching scabbard in the offhand. He is capable of partial transformation, but not of using these abilities on his own. The usual ‘consumed souls/resonance = power level’ equation applies, as always.

His first ability, Demon Fang, is the initial skill learned by most Tales swordsman, and thus is the easiest to learn; it has no further requirements beyond base resonance, a scabbard, and a modicum of skill with the sword. To perform the Demon Fang arte, the wielder must point the tip of the blade to the ground and slash upwards, generating a soul-powered energy projectile that travels swiftly along the ground towards its intended target. The attack can only travel along the ground and is easily thwarted by flying or high-jumping enemies quick enough to dodge its path.

The second ability, Severing Wind, is meant to eventually offset the aerial blind-spot of the previous arte. The Meister is required to perform a round-house manoeuvre while leaping up into the air; with practiced resonance levels, the technique generates a brief cyclone of wind that will strike and ground all immediately surrounding enemies, momentarily opening them up to a few swift Demon Fangs.

While the first two abilities are relatively simple base-line synergistic techniques, the final two require very high levels of resonance and a long period of camaraderie to even attempt.

The Overlimit ability relies more on familiarity with a partner’s fighting style and technique than raw power, but is still fairly taxing to execute. By itself, Overlimit adds nothing new-it is merely a status effect that augments a Meister and Weapon’s physical and spiritual capabilities and fortitude. With Overlimit activated, Demon Fang and Severing Wind become more formidable: the blast from Demon Fang becomes larger and faster, while the arc and reach of Severing Wind grows to encompass more foes. The Meister becomes not only more resilient to damage, but quicker, stronger, and more alert as well. However, the benefits are short lived; much like an adrenaline rush, Overlimit can only last a couple of minutes at most and cannot be chained or repeated without long rest periods between uses.

The final ability imparts Guy’s ultimate technique onto the Meister, and as such requires an absolute bond of trust and faith be established first between Weapon and Meister so that the proper forms can first be taught. (Guy is tight-lipped about the Sigmund Style, even in canon.) Brilliant Overlord conceptually combines all previous powers gained and can only be activated when Overlimit is in effect. Like with Demon Fang, the Meister is required to slash the air multiple times with superhuman speed, sending cascading waves of energy slicing through the air towards a single opponent, continually damaging them until the accumulated energy overloads and causes a final, devastating explosion. Because this is a Sigmund Style technique that is highly reliant on proper form, Guy must begin and end this attack sheathed in the custom scabbard.

Soul Description: (Amazing.) Amiable, Vigilant, Forbearing, Committed, Obliging, Gallant.

All of Guy’s Artes, including the ones listed above, can be viewed here:

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