Ok, so I've worked my ass off these past few weeks and I've managed to improve, though I'm taking the first transfer offer that's being made to me, at the recommendation of my supervisor. I will not be using my lifeline option, which is a Godsend. I somehow feel like I might need it eventually. Don't ask me why, I really don't know. But yeah, essentially the department I'm currently in has become a deathtrap, so I'm going to be moving into Shipping, which I hear is a lot easier. I hope I still get enough exercise though; that's one thing I like about working in my current department.
So that's that. The Job situation is safe.
I need a vacation, so I'm taking a few days to visit Furry Weekend Atlanta again this year. This time I'll know some people there and will be hanging out with them. I'm hoping I'll be able to get a new set of hearing aids before then; I've got an appointment on March 7th, which is cutting it really damn close. Going to have to really push my audiologist for this, I think.
Really, life is good right now. I need to be careful not to get complacent. I need to reaffirm my goals. I'm getting closer to some of them, I think. Biggest on my list is getting my own place. I desperately need a house with a room I can use as a media/entertainment library. I think I would rather buy than rent, but I don't know...I no longer believe that I'll find a significant other any time soon, if even at all, so it doesn't feel like it makes a whole lot of sense for me to wait and waste money on renting. Well, in any case, I'm not ready just yet; I can put it off for a few more years.
There are too many games coming out that I want. Pokemon, Marvel VS Capcom, Duke Nukem...On the opposing end of the stick, a few of the bands I've been following seem to have fallen apart. Journey's coming out with a new one, titled Eclipse this spring. I'm not sure why, but I don't feel as much enthusiasm for it this time around. I hope I'm not starting to become too jaded...
Now playing:
Damn Yankees - High Enoughvia
FoxyTunes For as primitive as it is, Minecraft is definitely one of the world's most popular games. Recent estimates have pegged it's sole developer as
making up to $100,000 per day! All without distribution or retail deals. Without going after pirates. With software that's still in alpha. Amazing.
For the recent reissue of the Back To The Future series, an entertainment magazine managed to arrange a reunion between some of the actors. Here's an
article with snippets of the interview.
This might make you swear off McDonald's for good if you haven't done so already.
A woman discovered that McDonald's hamburgers don't decompose! She left it out for six months in an experiment, and the burger hardly seemed to change at all. I don't know what's in those patties, but it sure as hell isn't natural.