updating before i get knocked out by bff =P

Nov 30, 2005 10:34

so lately ive been way too tired for my own good. i blame it on my boyfriend, which makes me feel better about myself =) its not his fault i just like to pretend it is...so things are really good in that department, now lets just hope i can keep them like that. hes a sweetheart and im so glad hes mine....were gonna go home not this weekend but the next so my lovely family can see how awesome he is..felicia said she would donate her room to him for the weekend. so now i just gotta clear it with daddy. that shall be interesting. im doing so bad in soc. no matter what i seem to do. like dont you understand i have 800 other things to do. i cant read every single day for that class. and i eventually get all the reading done. and study all my notes a millon times and still get Ds. i dunno. eff it. i need a break and then i sware next semester ill try harder...=/

i miss lauren and its shitty to be so far away from her. i miss my sister and giggling and rolling around all over the house..i miss sarah. it makes me want to cry. i miss her randomness and her weirdness and her big hugs. i miss my twin and being able to bash on everyone and everything we see. i miss my girlfriend. i had a dream last night i was an ALL OUT dike. so that was interesting..i miss kag sometimes but i know i shouldnt. it sucks that i cant see him, but thats his lose so too bad for him. if he wasnt such a pervert and had some respect. .

umMM.. meg colored me a stocking and taped it to my door. i love that lady alot =) so now i have to do some fucking work. and go to a conference at 12:30...eat...do more work...then class til almost 4...then work at 6:30...will today just end. please god?

tomorrow im sleeping forever and im going to bed early tonight so leave me alone and stay outta the subbasement or youll get your ass kicked =D

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