Why we call my mother the "evil demon woman"....venting in a major way

Aug 06, 2007 17:52

The story begins with a call to my dad asking to borrow $200.  He said, sure, I'd be happy to do that and then lectured me for 20 minutes on what kind of men NOT to date.  We won't go into my dad's prejudices.  He said I should call my mother later on in the afternoon since she has the checkbook and he would let her know that i called.

I called my mother and the first words out of her mouth were (in answer to Hi Mom, how are you?)....this is a direct quote now "Paula, I can't believe you, I just can't believe you."   Not exactly what i was going for.  I understand not wanting to loan me money but don't be a bitch about it.....she went on for a long time (while i was walking home from work with the phone in one hand and a cocktail in the other) about how I left a good job and moved to a "jerky town" and had a "jerky job" against her advice.  Hell, here i was thinking that I was doing something I really wanted to do.

Suffice to say I finally snapped and not only did I Yell at my Mom, I swore at her, over and over and over again.  I've rarely sworn at my mother in 41 years.  I think I swore more at her today than I have in all of the years I've been speaking combined.  The woman just kept coming back to the fact that since I'd moved her against her wishes, she wasn't doing a damn thing for me.  Ok, fine.  Whatever.  You don't have to be a bitch about it, just say no.  Don't push every single button I've got and expect me to just be nice.  Don't call me names, don't tell me I'm stupid for quitting a job and moving here.  She raved about how I'd had a future at my old job...i pointed out that i'd waited for a raise for 2 1/2 years and never got it,  and hadn't gotten a bonus in 8 months.  That bonus was supposed to pay for my car every month.  She just didn't want to hear it.

So, when I finished yelling and swearing at my mother I came home and vented to Sheryl.  and immediately began to cry...which is what I do when I'm frustrated and can't kill the person I want to kill.  It would almost be worth the 30 hour drive to Maine, but not quite.  Especially, since I'd have to borrow the $ to get there from my Mom.  She'll be 8 hours away in November, but waiting that long doesn't seem feasible.  and it's not calming me down one bit knowing that I have to wait until Thanksgiving to kill my mother. 
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