Fangirl, Amaya, Survey

Aug 10, 2007 19:55

I didn't intend to blog today, but I realized that my fangirling is more news-related than tomorrow's post (which contains -no- fangirling or Jrock news at all). And so, since I'm planning a reflection post for tomorrow, I'll just release my fangirling here first. =) With a survey too of course.

[ alice nine. ]
So the past two days there has been a lot of alice nine love. *-* Though the Tainted Reality interview yesterday was a bit of a disappointment. I waited a full 2 hours and 45 mins before the played the Arisu interview. Mind you they played several Arisu songs throughout. x) Which made me jump up and down every time it happened. XD (Especially when The Last Empire was playing.) If you were talking to me on MSN at the time, I think you would've seen all my spasms on my name. ^^'' Anyways, Ros-chan and I went so hyper. XD

Interview was enjoyable. =) Lots of regular Arisu dorkiness <3 Can't get more dorky than playing FF7 to get rid of jet lag and randomly screaming "passion!" even though no one understood the Japanese English. XD Go Nao. Biggest disappointment is that they barely spoke English. x_X *was expecting a re-enactment of the MYV interview* And it was rather short. =( Oh well. I heard my lovely Hiro in his calm/tired moments <3

And being the big obsessed fan I am, I had the sound recorder open for the whole 3 hours. x_X Recording any mention of arisu, or any intro to any song in case it was the start of the interview. XD;; *sweatdrop*

And then today... Teehee.

Ignoring the fact that the graphics could've been a whole ton better... (and should've been! Their marketing group HAS the talent T-T).
<33 Arisu news release! their new maxi-single is going to be called "TSUBASA"!

The new songs for the October release are:
Ruri no Ame

The ad is again a pop up whenever you go to the site, but there's an actual promo pic of them in their Tsubasa costumes on the Japanese portion of the OHP. *o* PRINCES!! But Hiroto! ='( Your hair!! Saga and Tora too! >.> Was it windy that day or something?! Or did the hairstylists lose his/her glasses ;__; Tora's hair is lopsided, Saga's looks strange and Hiro's is so messy x_x. *fixes Hiro's hair*
Still waiting for the cover to be released. x) Oh I bet it's pretty (like it always is).

Due to overwhelming hyperness, I ended up watching the White Prayer PV! ...11 times. o=) Of course I'm ...not... addicted all those spastastic Hiro moments that pass much too quickly... >.> I really love the way he plays. <33 And even if I didn't, the song is amazing all the same. x)

Anyway, definitely looking forward to October now, even if I've hated that month for years. XD Arisu shall make it allllll better. <3

Righto, just a small blurb on my current activity. I've been writing/daydreaming/editting in most of my spare time, hence the "not really there on MSN". But mostly the writing. XD I've been constantly adding to my jot-notes about future plot turns... I'm really starting to make this really big. x_X But I love what I have planned, how organized I'm making it, and how well it's shaped in my head. XD Even if it's time consuming. =) I'm hooked on my own story again, and I'm glad for it. ^^ Can't wait for Shari to get home and show her Hart. XD Must introduce her to Hart!!

And just for those other writers out there:
>> NaNoWriMo <<
=) Write a novel. 175 pages (50 000 words). One month.

Your Favorite--
Hair Color: doesn't matter
Eye Color: doesn't matter but i love green eyes ;) too bad it's rare
(Their)Music Genre Preference: XD doesn't matter. rock would be nice, but not a definite need =)
Height(estimate): 5'7'' or taller? XD i like tall-ness
Age: not more than 10 years older... and not younger x_X

--This or That--
Older or Younger: older XD
Romantic or Horndog: romantic!
Smart or Stupid: O_o there's no inbetween? smart!
Chubby or skinny: skinny i guess x_X
Punk or Preppy: XD shrugs
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present: first
Mixtape or Burned CD: either's fine
Love or Lust: >.> Love. Duh.
Emotional or Just Not: between
Sincere or Jokester: mix
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet: >.> Wow that sounds so rude. The latter
Sexy or Just Cute: either XD
Arse or Abs: abs
Hair or Hands: O_o whats that mean... i'd like both thanks XD
Dimples or Eyes: yes =3 i hate my dimples!
Clean Shaven or Scruffy: clean
Rugged or Prim and Proper: O_o right what? ...proper?
Countryboy or Cityboy: either =)
Date alone or With Friends: either

--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much: x_X basically yes. I didn't like him as much as he me
Loved a guy because he stalked you: o.o oh gosh no
Loved a guy because he hated you: O-o....
Asked your friend's crush out: that's so cruel
Lead a guy on for kicks: >.> thats horrible. why would anyone do that intentionally T_T
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott: haha first, i don't ask ppl out. second, no way would i have the guts XD
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend: x_X faithful much? i wouldn't do this intentionally >.>
Lied about not having a boyfriend: yes to parents
Lied about having one: yes to a stalker
Cheated: never
Been Cheated on: *shrugs*
Had a crush on a gay guy: no

--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Boxers?: yes plz
Briefs?: no thanks?
Hat?: if it suits them
Skater Shoes?: if it suits them
Pimp Shoes?: O_o eh?
Band Shirts?: x) woot lol
Vintage shirts?: O_o no
Jeans or Shorts?: either

--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?: not if their personality sucks.
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?: no
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?: no
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better? no, i'm sure it'd make them feel worse in the long run
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?: first, i wouldnt "screw" a guy. Second, i don't call girls whores. XD
Do looks matter?: to some extent, but personality is most important
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?: only if i'm completely in love with the guy?
Does size matter?: o_o... i'm gonna ignore this
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?: >.> My friends are all beautiful thanks. XD They should be ashamed of hanging out with -me- i'm sure
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be): I'm not ashamed of hanging out with beautiful friends! -___-
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?: not if its important? there things that just don't need to be mentioned
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?: -___- strange questions.
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?: why would i o.o
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?: ^^'' honestly if a guy says that too early in a relationship, its harder to believe XD
Wanna be a virgin till marriage? haha my parents would kill me if i wasn't XD but it'd depend on the mood i guess. And how much I love the guy. i dunno~ too early to say xP
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it? i won't say I love you if I don't mean it

writing, *sharing, fan: alice nine, bored: meme, .public

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