Ah! Heute ist Dienstag...

Oct 24, 2006 18:25

Not too bad of a Tuesday =) Even though there was the CNML Math Contest, but I think I did alright. The day ended nicely... alright well at least the last 30 mins were nice XD After 2 hours of suffering. But yes, after 4 days of searching, I found them =) I don't know why it became more important to me than hw right now but I found them. =) If you have NO idea what I'm talking about and you aren't a girl, just nod and smile. =P

Quiz flooding time! They piled up again. Most from beloved amyishida =3 and some are random oldies I decided to retake.

You Are Apple Cider

Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.
What Part of Fall Are You?

X_x Downright nasty when cold? *blinks* Hum, never drank apple cider.

Halloween Horoscope for Leo
You simply have to have the most unique, elaborate, and amazing costume.
You tend to hop from party to event, making sure everyone checks you out.

Costume suggestions: A geisha, samurai, fairy, or pirate

Signature Halloween candy: Skittles
What's Your Halloween Horoscope?

Even though I'm so not like a Leo, I took the quiz anyways. Only thing to say: <3 Pirates!

Your Italian Name Is...

Vedette Mancini
What's Your Italian Name?

Viva Italia <3 Though the name isn't uber great XD

Your Gluttony Quotient: 16%

Pigging out is definitely not your thing, and your body thanks you for it.
Just remember, it's okay to treat yourself to something decadent every once and a while!
How Much Gluttony Do You Have?

16% O_o... hmm i guess that's about right. I love rice pudding (and ice cream, and chocolate, and *blabs on*) though =D Everyone knows thatt. =P I treat myself enough XD

Your Body Image is 32% Unhealthy, 68% Healthy

You're body image is quite healthy, though you're sometimes a little bit too hard on yourself.
Chances are you've got a rockin' body - so enjoy it!
How's Your Body Image?

X_x yep it's an old quiz but ooo this isn't good.

You Are A Loyal Sidekick

While you aren't the most visable one in your group...
You're always up for a good time or conversation
And you stick with your friends no matter what
You may feel underappreciated - but it only seems that way!
What Kind of Friend Are You?

Sidekick is fine with me =) Underappreciated... haha sometimes in my worst of moods but I'm sure its just my paranoia kicking in again

You Are 70% Feminine, 30% Masculine

You are in touch with your feminine side.
Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you.
And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women.
Are You Masculine or Feminine?

... yea I was bored. So it along the side so I clicked it.

[Quote of the day] "If they would've done that to me, I would've been like, 'Oh, no!'" - ahh Bellani's so cute X3 kyahaha today's ep of Passions was awesome! =D

... now I'll go do hw. Stupid math -__- I don't really blog about things that happen in school nemore... even if something funny/weird happened XD oh well. No loss =)

Take care everyone <3 =)


[//EDIT: 6:37pm]

XD Can't help it, was reading an interview between Fox (Mark Wystrach) and Miguel <3 (Adrian Bellani) and aww they get along so well IRL, unlike the show X3 They're both the new actors for their characters... of course, Fox came before Miguel, but only by about.... 5 eps or so. (Yes I've been watching Passions forever.) Bellani's so cute. =) Here's a snip:

Digest: Mark was named the "Hottest Newcomer" in our 7/4 issue.
Bellani: Aw, I thought I was the Hottest Newcomer!
Digest: You were the Sexiest Newcomer.
Bellani: What's the difference between the hottest and the sexiest?
Digest: You two have to figure that out.
Wystrach: The sexiest is pure body. The hottest is the whole package.

X3 Heehee *goes into fangirl mode* X3 Bellanniii!!!! ;) Don't worry I think you're hotter than Mark! XD And no that's not because Bellani's part Italian! T-T... REALLY. He's not just some pretty boy either! He does a lot of charitable events =) He's 23! XD Jesse is sadly 28... though he looks like he's 20-22 ish.

-__- I blog weird... like a little kid XD Hum. Just hyper I'm sure. XD

fan: misc, bored: blogthings, .public

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