'cause you're everything that i breathe for and I can't help but breathe you in

Jan 03, 2011 12:42

I've been neglecting LJ again because of school. :S Happy belated Holidays everyone! I went straight to the airport after my exams ended so I didn't get to say it earlier. And..
Happy New Year!
Will do my usual travel+pics entry later on this week before I head back to school again. Still have a whole bunch of things on my to do list. x_x

I don't make new years resolutions (so shoot me) because I don't really believe in the whole "well I'm going to decide to change X about myself starting 01-01!" It's nice to have a day to root it on as a starting point but I've never been a subscriber. I think if you wanna change something you should do it whenever :)

Regardless, Cici's giving me mine for this year so I guess I have a specific one I must fulfill in the next 4 months. :P As for my own, just the usual goals; stress less, balance work and play (need more play), keep healthy, don't let things get to me too easily.

For now, blogthings and 2011 meme hoorahhhhh...

First Restaurant To Be At: Alice Fazooli's
First 'Happy New Year' to and from: Cici and Alex
First Kiss on Cheek to and from: no one yet STAY AWAY FROM ME
First Hug to and from: Alex >.> He was closer than Cici was.
First Drink: Water since I was gonna be driving home
First Outfit: heel boots with skinny jeans + long grey stripe cardigan + necklace costume piece
First Shoes Worn: oops XD black heel boots
First Text to: Sorry there were like 15 people on the list =_= All my close friends obvi
First Text from: Alfred? Kian?
First Worry: spilling champagne on Alex' camera :S
First Song Heard: LOL don't remember, def was on 99.9 though
First Radio Station Listened To: I keep getting ahead of myself with these answers. Virgin 99.9
First Pissed Off Moment: haven't one yet
First House Drama: mom fighting with dad about the laundry xD
First Movie Watched: Inception because my parents hadn't seen it yet. 3rd time watching it yay!
First Show Watched: None... they're all on hiatus until late January
First Close-To-Tears Moment: none
First Shower: Jan 1st sometime in the evening
First Meal Made: Jan 1st lunch... well, I woke up at 2pm so, I guess it's still lunch
First MSN Name: 「 eileen 」
First MSN pm: la musique plane et donne du blues au cœur
First MSN Display Picture: girl in a red dress standing in a field of poppies... I feel like changing it to typography soon x_x;
First Flash Game Played: Minions cannon launch... very boring...
First "Rebellious" Moment: Staying up till 5am hiding in the dark XD;
First Swear: haven't yet!
First "wtf" Moment: Today at the doctor's when they stuck a tube in to check my throat x_x
First "Serenade": Ew. XD
First "<3" to and from: Umair? Cici?
First Pain: Today's appt
First Wave of Nausea: none yet!
First Thing I Ate: Ice cream when I came home from NYE
First Family Member Spoken to: Dad
First Urge To Go Clubbing: while still in Alice
First Picture Taken: with Cici and Alex in NYE hats

You Appreciate Thoughtfulness

You are both talented and giving. You are always going out of your way to make things pleasant for others.

You are down to earth to the point of disdaining luxury. You wish people would stop putting on airs.

Right now, you value your friends most. Friendships are where you draw your strength and support from.

You are open to whatever comes your way. You are ready for a big change in your life.

What Does Your New Year's Eve Say About You?

You Have Grit

You can focus in on your goals and stay the course. It may be hard, but you get the task done.

You believe that it is important to finish what you start, even when you end up hating what you've chosen for yourself.

Keep up the good work. You understand that the good life is about accomplishments, not chasing every whimsical fancy you have.

Make sure to leave room for a little novelty in your life. You focus so intently that you sometimes ignore new possibilities.

Do You Have Grit?

You Act Like You Are 24 Years Old

You are a twenty-something at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.

You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.

The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.

What Age Do You Act?

You Believe that Love is Devotion

When you think of love, you think of committing to one person for the rest of your life.

In love, you see things how they could be. You are wrapped up in your own dreams.

If you are in love, you want the whole world to know it. You don't hold back with letting people know.

You are patient in love. You are willing to wait for the right person and the right time.

The Rose Test

You Are a Polite Driver

You are generally an easy going, laid back person. However, you can't help but feel a little jealous and competitive sometimes!

You tend to go by what you feel - not by the facts at hand. As a result, you tend to make a lot of uninformed decisions.

You are a very fair person. You treat everyone equally, even when it's difficult to do.

You are a calm, peaceful person. You realize that arguments are only temporary, and you try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

You have mixed feelings about authority figures. You understand their place, but you believe their power needs to be in check.

You are somewhat focused, but you are also a bit scatterbrained. Distractions can get you in trouble.

You are a very responsible and conscientious person. You often consider the feelings and needs of others.

Your ego is normally in check, but sometimes you get a bit egotistical. You tend to be a little self-important at times.

What Does Your Driving Say About You?

You Should Have Medium Length Hair

You are easygoing and friendly. You don't get hung up on little details, and you're content.

Your hair tells people that you are low maintenance and flexible. You don't need a lot to be happy.

You are well liked and very energetic. You have a lot of friends, and you do something social almost every night of the week.

You are witty and smart. You light up a room without really trying to.

What Length Hair Should You Have?

Euer, amayasuki

bored: blogthings, .public

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