every breath, it comes and goes, all night.

Jun 06, 2009 17:30

I'm an avid subscriber to crediting. This means that I respect and encourage everyone to do so, and I believe that it's not a hard concept to understand. I can't say that no-one has ever taken or used anything without credit during their life (especially with all the problems on the internet, it's always possible to do so without meaning to), but I believe it's important that when you -do- realize your mistake (especially when you claim something is your own when it is not), you own up to it, act accordingly, and refrain from doing so in the future.

It's not a pleasant feeling to have your work stolen. Many artists, of any sort (doesn't matter if it's fashion design, photography, traditional artwork, fanart, anything), deal with this problem constantly, and it's not something anyone is keen to deal with. Your creations are a symbol of your hard work. They're a part of your identity in a sense; it's like your interests, your clothing style, the way you talk, etc. It's a part of who you are. And having that taken by someone else, and claimed as their own? Nuh uh. Just imagine someone mimicking everything you do and love (oh yes, we all know at least one person like that). Not pleasant is it? Now try and transcribe that into the art world.

Call it my pet peeve if you will. I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to be urked about, and I would also appreciate if my friends, both on LJ, and in real life, would understand that this is a difference in opinions I cannot ignore.

For those who subscribe to crediting as well, you're awesome! &hearts

No, this is not over icon crediting or whatnot. Just a general note and built up disappointment, I guess. :) I hope everyone's having a great weekend. IMU this week!

art, .public

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