Story- Gianette Falling

Nov 23, 2008 11:45

linebyline line is "because of the fear." This idea came to me in the car yesterday on the way to my grandmother's house.

So... I hope I made it clear enough what is being referred to only hint is it's an animal. But I guess it's also a metaphor for people.

At any rate: Do you guys know what animal it's talking about? Have any thought/comments?

Gianette wasn't like her siblings. They were squabbling over food, over the choice bits of meat and fat, while she snuck in unnoticed and got those bits for herself. They would puff out their coats, trying to keep warm and look intimidating to gain favor, while she made herself small and insignificant in a protected corner, saving herself from injuries due to fights.

They grew up, gradually, all of them did. Their parents stood by, proud heads held high, watching their progress. Gianette and her siblings got too big for their home, making the twiggy surface cramped and uncomfortable. So, one by one, they left. Her siblings all spread their wings wide, uncertain at first, flapping at random, then gradually gaining confidence until... a single step set them over the edge, and they were falling, falling...

They caught themselves, one by one, catching the warm air current beneath them on their outstretched wings and rose triumphant, exultant, into the sky, reaching the heights they were meant for.

Except Gianette. She could not, or more likely would not, spread her wings. No matter how much her parents prodded her, no matter how far away they left her food, she would not take flight. Eventually, her parents gave up and left home themselves, proud white heads no longer held proudly on their brown shoulders.

So Gianette was all alone, a mottled brown and white mess, not knowing her true colors, or how to find them. All because of the fear of falling, falling...

When her hunger drove her to the, literally the edge of her roost, to the step looking out over the wide, wide world, Gianette jumped. She jumped, and spread her wings wide, wider, as wide as they could go. For a minute she hovered, her outline dark against the setting sun, fate's seal over the land, and her own existence. But then the cold night wind blew, banishing the warmth, the thermals she desperately needed.

Flap, flap, flapflapflapflap, to no avail her wings pounded up and down, up and down, and down and down. She was falling, but she could not bring herself to have grief. Because even though she knew she was going to crash, the ride was the most exciting, exhilarating, and fearful thing she'd ever experienced in her life.

writing:sample, linebyline, prose

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