There's Always Next Week

Feb 28, 2011 22:05

Dear Writers of House,

I hate you.

Very, very much.


No, but seriously: WTF. What the FRACK was that? How can you... just... I... no. My mom called it. My mom- the Huddy shipper- called it waaaay back, years ago. She said that she couldn't really see House in a relationship with anyone without it ruining the show. Guess what's happened??

Even if we ignore the infinite superiority of Hilson for a moment (and we shall. With effort.): the point of House has always been to have a medical drama starring a snarky, misanthropic, bastard of a doctor who fans will grow to love anyway. That is House- or, more accurately was House. Now he is... nice, and thoughtful, and sappy. From the standpoint of real life, these are good things. But the show is so fun because it's not like real life. House can do things the rest of us only dream of getting away with. And now TPTB have completely changed his character.

Throughout the years the one constant for House has been: "I am a good doctor." He doesn't care about being an ass to people, doesn't care if they hate him, because he knows he is a good doctor. And suddenly in the course of half a season this completely changes? His entire worldview shifts because of one woman? We're supposed to believe that?

Better yet- we're supposed to like that? I don't know about you, but I liked House because he was, despite his assertions to the contrary, phenomenally unselfish, risking his life and career for patients many times over. And now he's basically saying "Screw all of them, I has a girlfriend!!" /rage Complete character derailment. And, in my opinion, lazy, shoddy writing. You could have found a way to make House happy without compromising his diagnostic ability. You could have eased him into becoming a nicer, less abrasive person (character development I'd welcome) through a series of smaller events- connecting with patients, expanding his friends base, etc etc. But, no. WHAM! Huddy, and miraculously he's a whole new person.

And it's not just that that bothers me. This is the second week in a row I feel like they've jerked us around with breaking them up. This week's ending especially was really, really blatant about it... I know you have to keep drama in the show, to hold interest, but really... have a little compassion, maybe?

I wonder how Huddy shippers feel about this... they've got their wish; their ship is canon. But I wonder if they like the new, whipped House, or if they'd rather see the old one back. Even if it cost them their ship...

Speaking of ships: Chase/Masters. Um... does no one learn anything in this show? Masters=Cameron first season, only without the benefit of likability. Cameron had enough spunk and sass to be endearing. Masters is just annoying and sanctimonious. Besides, Chase married Cameron the idealist, who couldn't handle it when he decided to take a stand that was opposed to her own. And now he's thinking, what, v2.0 will be better?

I'm aware that this may be a false alarm and TPTB may have no intention of doing anything with them as a couple. The fact remains that they've opened up the can of worms with the implications of that. Chase is one of my favorite characters.

Alas. Next week's episode looks really trippy and weird- un-House-like. Yet I'm excited, because it's something new. (Besides, the whole seventh season has been pretty darn un-House-like in its own right) It would just really suck and be too predictable if Cuddy died, though. I like her character, I like what she adds to the show, just not as House's romantic partner. And her death would be too easy an out for the writers, IMO. This arc is so firmly established it would seem like a real cop-out. She better not be pregnant, either...

So, yeah. Huddy=FAIL. Me=annoyed, possibly angry. But I'm still hanging on, hoping the show will turn around and go back to being about House the misanthropic doctor and not House the lovesick puppy. Or, if the writers don't want to do that, change the show's billing and setup to match. As it is, something just isn't vegging.

I've ranted myself out, it seems... this show has just been such a big part of my life, and I'd hate to see it go off-air for losing viewers. And I'm watching this happen, watching people slowly turning away and tuning out... That's why I'm still here, actually. To contribute to its viewer count and give writers more time to figure out what they want to do about the fan reactions. I keep coming back out of love and loyalty, always with the mantra: There's always next week.

house, television, rant

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