If only I was at that dinner....

Oct 16, 2008 23:57

Fantastic Obama lines:

"My greatest strength, would have to be my humility. My greatest weakness? It is possible that I am a little too awesome."**(my favorite!)

"Contrary to the rumors you've heard I was not born in a manger, but on Krypton..."

"I was originally told we would be moving this event out to the Yankee stadium...and can someone *please* tell me what happened to the Greek columns I requested?"

"Recently, some of McCain's senior advisers said that if we kept talking about the economy, McCain would lose. So tonight I want to talk about the economy."

Equally fantastic McCain lines:

"I call him "that one," he doesn't mind. He even has a pet name for me. George Bush!" (In reference to Obama)

"Even in this room of proud Manhattan Democrats, I have hope that some people are pulling for me...Hilary it's nice to see you."

"Apparently, they registered Mickey Mouse, I'm looking into this, although I'll probably let it go, everyone knows that big rat is probably a Republican."

hilarity, if only i was there, dinner, alfred smith dinner, mccain, obamarama

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