Dec 05, 2008 00:08
"sorry we forgot to tell you the bus will be early today so we already pass the bus stop so can you walk today? sorry"
it has been established...if not here then in real life...that our bosses and such don't consider us important enough to be kept in the know about things. and today this little fact came back to bite them in their saggy asses.
every morning we walk up to road 10 mins and wait for the school bus. this is the way they told us to go to work every morning. which is fine. but today the bus was supposed to be early because the driver had other places to be or something. but of course...we were not on the list of people who needed to know of these changes. so when the bus arrived at the stop and we were not there...they decided to call and apologise somewhat embarrassedly for the omission and ask us to walk. to which i replied: well...we dont have much choice now do we.
of course in reality...our roomie who is in fact on the list of people who can be told things told us all about it beforehand. but since we're consistently left out of everything we decided not to act on this information unless informed about it by the people who should be telling us about such things. and so we were prepared to walk.
needless to say..we were quite unimpressed with our employers
on a completely different and much happier topic: I HAVE MY TICKET TO SEE MANA! WOOOOOOOO! AND KOZI!
adventures of the teaching folk in japan