Sep 02, 2008 18:37
I just received a review on that I'm not sure how to react to. It was critical, but I'm hardly offended (Really, it takes a it to manage that, and this was hardly a flame). Even so, I'm not sure what to think.
The reviewer has told me that I'vepushed the envelope with "poor Harry" too far, and that he's unrealistic in terms of recovery. (They're on chapter ten on, and Harry has just met the rest of the Pilots). According to the reviewer, Harry shouldn't be having his mood swings too often, and some of the things I have him say are out of line. In particular was the reference while they were headed to the restaurant and Harry said he'd never been in because "no pet allowed." She took it as Harry feeling sorry for himself, and I had envisioned it as a statement of fact. He'd never been in there because. . .
Anyway, I don't mean to rant, I'm just. . . thinking out loud, I suppose. Gathering my thoughts. That and wondering what your reactions are. Do you think my take on Harry's recovery is too radical?
I was really surprised to get the review, because I think that's the one thing I'm most compliemented on, is Harry's recovery. I don't know, though. He was very upset about me taking so long with Harry's recovery, but Harry, in chapter ten, has only known Trowa for three weeks. It seems far to extreme to make him better, and I still don't think he'd be "recovered" even at this point in the story (that is, chapter sixteen.)
I'm not sure if I need reassurance or feedback as I wasn't offended by the review even if it did attack my writer's pride. I told him I'd consider the review, and I will, and I pointed out the time frame, and I think I handled it all right, but I do want to hear some other's responses about Harry's reactions, I suppose. Do you agree that I've made it unrealistic by making it too long? Have I been pushing the "poor Harry" aspect too hard even though the time frame is believeable? Or is it just fine and the only thing doing bad things is my paranoia?
Thanks for all the comments, everyone. It was nice to hear other opinions about my story, especially since you're my original victims test audience. Maybe the comment really did hurt my feelings worse than I thought, but the comments helped me realize that the story took the right direction after all, and I really shouldn't doubt you all myself.
It's also nice to hear other people that have seen/heard more about the events of abuse. I'm sure I know someone who was abused in childhood, and I know I studied it in my psych classes, but it's always so hard to nail down to a character. Harry is always so difficult to write and the reviewer probably touched a nerve because I'm always trying to decide how much is "too much."
But everyone who commented was so supportive and I'm glad y'all took the time to reassure me.
Thank you so much!
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