EXACTLY! Plus, there don't seem to be any tertiary predators, which to me is ignoring a massive evolutionary niche, I mean, here on Earth we have cats, otters, weasels, raccoons, foxes, badgers (of the north american variety), wolverines, bobcats, lynx...and that's just to name a few I can think of off the top of my head. There's more than that, I'm sure!
OMG you are awesome! ;_; I'm just...wow... See some people can actually draw, and even though I manage to do a little better than stick figures I'd never manage anything like that. Seriously amazing. Seriously.
Go laugh at my pathetic art skills here http://amaya-kawaii.deviantart.com/art/taftxuk-183493794?q=sort%3Atime+gallery%3Aamaya-kawaii&qo=1 if you want a vague idea of what they look like.
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