Jun 21, 2019 20:16
Every few years or so...lots of so(s) I stop in to say hi and to thank all you beautiful, blessed people who supported me through my teen angst years. I followed a fair few of you over to either Twitter, Tumblr, or AO3, and if you are one of those people (and you ever see this), then I still adore you.
Some of you I've lost contact with over the years as LJ use slowly trickled off, and some of you left never to be heard from again. If you're one of those people, please, get back in touch with me. I still love you, and support you, and want only the nice things for you! (Also, I just want more people to send Christmas cards to, like we used to do back in the old days.)
If you want to find me anywhere else, here's where I am the most:
Twitter username: heavenh
Instagram: amayahk
Tumblr: downwithkickball