Title: Socially Awkward Penguins
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, flicker of Sam/Gabriel
Summary: The first time Dean realised that their new neighbors weren’t just weird, but were in fact really, really, really weird, bringing a whole new world of weird even, was a few days after the Novaks have moved in.
Rating: PG
AN: First even SPN fic so concrit would be massivley appreciated, written for a prompt over at comment_fic, unbetaed.
Disclaimer: Does not own.
The first time Dean realised that their new neighbors weren’t just weird, but were in fact really, really, really weird, bringing a whole new world of weird even, was a few days after the Novaks have moved in. It was some ridiculously early hour in the morning and Dean couldn’t sleep so he’d snuck out to the garden for a smoke, glad for the cover of night since he know that Sam would kick his ass into next week if he found out that Dean was still in the process of quitting. When one of next door’s lights switched on Dean ducked down behind the fence hoping that he hadn’t woken one of his new neighbors as he’d crept outside, but instead of looking around as he opened the front door the man with light brown hair who Dean vaguely remembered introducing himself as Gabriel focused on something on the lawn and sighed walking forward. Dean turned wondering what he was doing and noticed the shape of someone led out in the grass, the shorter man knelt over the figure gently shaking their arm.
“Castiel. Come on, you can’t sleep out here little bro, you’ll freeze.”
The person, Castiel , sat up a little; his face now illuminated somewhat by the light from the house Dean recognized him as the slight dark haired man he’d briefly met when the Novaks had first moved in. Blinking sleepy blue eyes the man leaned forward towards his older brother.
“I was watching the stars.” He told him as though it was a perfectly reasonable explanation.
Gabriel looked fond and a little wistful, “Yeah I know. Come on though, we gotta get you inside now.”
Slinging Castiel’s arm over his shoulder to help support him and wrapping an arm around his waist the other man walked the back towards the house. After the door had shut and the lights had gone out a moment later Dean slumped again the fence. Well that was strange.
When he told his Sam about it the next day Dean’s younger brother just shrugged, mouth full of cereal, before pointing out that the Novaks had seemed unusual when they’d me them earlier in the week and adding that Dean hardly kept normal sleeping hours himself with a pointed look as he gathered his books and school bag and left for college before Dean had a chance to reply.
Sam was sort of right, the Novak brothers hadn't exactly seemed normal when they'd moved in, Castiel had stoically ferried the boxes from the battered blue car parked outside as his brother had walked beside him only occasionally carrying anything, preferring to instead give his younger brother a running commentary on what seemed to be anything and everything, though rarely eliciting a response from Castiel, a slight quirk of his lips in amusement or a flicker of mild annoyance, when Sam and Dean had gone over to say hi and offer to help move them in Castiel had only politely declined before continuing to move boxes, Gabriel has paused introducing them both, giving Sam an appreciative look before noticing Dean doing the same to Castiel as he headed back into the house his expression changing to a irritating smirk and a protective look in his eyes.
That Dean could respect, could understand the whole protective older brother thing though, he'd always been that way with Sam, knew he was probably even worse now it was just the two of them. Checking the clock before shrugging off his distracted thoughts the older Winchester headed upstairs to shower before his shift started, trying not to stay too preoccupied with his attractive and strange new neighbor or his older brother.
As he headed out to the Impala getting ready to drive down to the station Dean noticed Castiel sat out on the porch in the cool sunlight, notebook in his lap and a pen in his hand, Dean raised a hand to wave as he walked past, "Hey."
The younger man looked up looking a little startled before his face relaxed into a small smile "Hello Dean." Dean wondered why he felt a bit suprised and more than a little pleased that Castiel had remembered his name. "You're going to work?" He asked glancing down at Dean's uniform
"Yeah," Dean gave him a quick grin, "I'm a firefighter." He explained, more for something rather than any real need for explaination, feeling kind of awkward all of a sudden.
Castiel smiled at him again but didn't saying anything for a while and Dean started to turn away figuring that was the end of the conversation before the other man spoke again "That must be good. Uh, I mean, it must be good, to something that helps people so much." he said sounding nervous and a little shy.
Dean felt a little flush of pride the way he always did talking about his job, Sammy always said saving people was what Dean was just meant to do. "Yeah, it is." He paused feeling a little nervous himself again now "So, uh, would you like to go out Friday night?: He asked feeling almost as though he were in high school again and wondering when stopped being quite so smooth.
"On a date?" Castiel replied his voice somewhat higher than it's usual gravelly tone, blushing a little, a look Dean noted looked very good on him. As Dean nodded the other man grinned, "Yeah, I'd like that."
Dean felt his own smile widening, "Great, Friday then." He said before giving Castiel a final wave and walking back towards the Impala.
Dean grinned again drumming against the wheel in time to the music as he drove to work, deciding that Castiel was definitley the good kind of weird, the adorable, hot kind that he was gonna date. He was going to enjoy getting to know his neighbors.