Busy week at work, so it's really hard to find time to post here. And when I get home I find harder to seat at my computer, cos it's been so cold lately that I prefer to stay with hubby, warming myself *winks*.
Well, I'm using my lunch time to say HI, I'M ALIVE!!! Also, some news and considerations below :))).
- I watched Get Smart last weekend
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Comments 11
I'm also finding that I can't enter a hyperlink in Rich Text with Firefox 3. The Editor box opens, lets you put in the link but when you post, the Text to click on is just text. Then the damn editor box pops up again and won't let you do anything but close it.
Haven't been able to find a fix for it yet so I'm stuck typing code to all my fics. :{
Didn't know about this problem whit hyperlinks. I hope they fix this eventually. And what a hard task you must have with your fics.
(The comment has been removed)
2) The movie is so cool!!! I never thought there would be an actor to be Max again, but Steve Carell is pretty good. And Anne Hathaway is the perfect match for him as Agent 99. I really recommend this movie.
3) Can't wait for X-Files. MULDER!!!!!!!
4) But I have the feeling he won't be human for a long time. You know, it's not the same with him being human. I want him as a vamp *pouts*.
5) Well, as far as I know, my S2 layouts work fine in Firefox 3. My concern is with the layouts I made using S1 style with sidebar. Those have a problem with alignment that I can't fix right now. This is frustrating.
Meu marido me ajudou com o código e descobrimos como ajustar os layouts S1 Generator com sidebar pra funcionarem no FF3. Bastou arrumar uma simples linha (tipo, por exemplo, uma propriedade que antes era margin-left: 196px foi alterada para margin-right: -196px) e tudo entrou nos eixos pra ambas as versões do FF, além de se manter funcionando no IE 6, IE 7, Opera e Netscape.
Agora o problema é achar ânimo e tempo pra editar 40 layouts que precisam desse ajuste, afe.
Saudades também!!!
table {
width: 540px;
margin-left: 200px;
margin-top: -5px;
table {
width: 540px;
margin-right: -200px;
margin-top: -5px;
I just changed the margin-left for margin-right in the table { section in the CSS and changed the signal of the value as well (if it was positive, I changed it to negative and vice-versa).
I had to do that just in one line in the code. And it works for my codes, so I'm not sure if this is going to work for everybody else codes.
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