
Apr 26, 2007 12:02

I'm so glad to see how much fandom can be productive these days. I hardly spend a day without reading some good Spangel fic, which cheer my days up immensely.

I am not that productive myself with the layouts I have to make to my entry at spring_spangel (I'm kinda blah lately). I made one and a half layout until now and I'm afraid I won't be able to make a good amount of layouts until my day (May, 20th). If you have some suggestion to give me about layout making regarding Spangel, I'm open to it. Maybe I can find some inspiration.

Well, let's go with the recs then...

- Skin by icemink

- Untitled - Why We Fight missing scene by thatotherperv

- Acorns of an Angel by darkspace99

- Standing the Test of Time (Spike/Angel, Spike/Dracula) - Part 14 (all parts here) by erin-starlight

- Support Network (RPS) by lilithbint

- Changes by woman_of_

- The Debate by woman_of_

- Bath Time with Daddy (Angelus/William) by woman_of_

- Sterile by woman_of_

- The Reward (Angelus/William) by woman_of_

- Power Play by ash-carpenter

- The Picture 1/? by nme0621

- Who Would You Sleep With? by dark-amia

- Who I Slept With (Who Would You Sleep With? sequel) by dark-amia

- Missed Signs by shinodabear

- Friday, part 1 of 2 by girlpire

Plus, if you're up for some great kissage, CHECK THIS ENTRY by felisblanco. It will make your lips all swollen, lol!!!

Wow, I could list more, but I think it's enough for now. Read, enjoy these fics, leave feedback to these great writers and keep the fandom alive ;-).

recs, fics, spangel

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