You know, I'm just loving all the Spangel I have been reading in my flist lately. God bless the inspired people *g*.
Some recs for you, cos after a very busy morning, finally things have calmed down *looks around suspiciously*
Just a Phone Call Away by
fan_spagle, NC-17, hot hot sex phone.
A Little Advice by
shinodabear, PG, trust Wes to help the Spangel love *g*.
Lot’s Wife by
carlyinrome, PG-13, sometimes everything we need is some comfort.
Interpersonal Communication by
dfagiles, PG-13, Fred tries to improve the way Angel and Spike communicate to each other.
Watcher by
estepheia, R, Wesley/Angel, Angel/Spike, Wesley/Fred, Wesley and the things he has been thinking about.
Betrayal and Guilt by
woman_of_, NC-17, when Angel is lonely, Spike is his comfort.
Splinter - Part 26b by
lusciousspike, NC-17, WIP, it's getting harder and harder to put those silly vamps together *slaps Angel*. Previous parts
Adjusting - Part 10 by
piksa, NC-17, WIP, Spike was turned into a pet and sold to a demon. Angel finds out and wants to help him. Previous parts
Christmas Miracles by
spankspike, NC-17, I didn't read it yet (oh, so little time), but I will rec anyway because I bet it's great, like everything Tisa writes *winks*.
*out to read more Spangel*