Why You? Why Me?

Feb 23, 2009 20:42

This quiz is based off a relationship book. It's very insightful.

Take it! I dare you.;)

Your result for Why You? Why Me? Test.
Are you an Explorer, Builder, Director or Negotiator

You scored: 32 as Explorer, 26 as Builder, 30 as Director, 35 as Negotiator.

Use your two highest scores as your dominant personality type. For example, if you scored highest as a Director and an Explorer, you are a DIRECTOR/Explorer.

According to Dr. Fisher, some of the traits of these four types are as follows:

Explorers tend to regard courting as entertainment.They are highly sensitive to the world around them and like the pleasures of the senses. They want someone to go adventuring with them--a playmate.It is easy for them to laugh at themselves. They entertain, even perform. They like music that is intense and complicated. Most have a good deal of experience at dating. They are good at listening and talking. They find self-disclosure difficult. Their attitude toward sex is relaxed. Explorers trust their impulses.

Builders take courtship seriously and believe in good manners, courtesy, etc. Dating is a social activity. They tend to think concretely; like and trust facts. They are cautious and don't choose a partner impulsively. Often uncomfortable with "drama" and can appear unromantic but are dependable and have clear-cut values. They enjoy doing things as a couple within a larger group of friends...they want to belong. Are likely to be the least sexual of the four types. Builders trust their values.

Directors consider dating an expenditure of time and energy. They seek a "mind mate". Are forthright and tend to make decisions quickly. They seek mates who are emotionally expressive, flexible, and have difficulty dealing with "controlling" people. Many have had little dating experience in their youth. They have a take-charge style. Generally have only a few serious relationships before they marry, don't defect easily once they have decided to build a partnership. Their ring fingers are usually at least as long, or longer than their index fingers! They have a high sex drive. Directors trust their logic.

Negotiators seek the ideal partner: someone with whom they can make an intensely intimate, deeply meaningful, inspiring and spiritual connection. They are popular with all types because they are flexible, appreciative, affectionate, good at reading other's thoughts and feelings, empathetic and superb at expressing their own ideas and emotions. Prefer to go out with one person at a time, and to avoid social events when getting to know someone. Can be deeply hurt by rejection. They are the most romantic of the four types. They are more complex than they often seem. Their ring fingers are usually shorter than their index fingers! Sex is an essential part of a partnership but must be mixed with romance, communication and emotional intimacy: sex and love are intertwined. They have a rich fantasy life, which can be tarnished if become disillusioned with their partner's imperfections. Negotiators trust their intuition.

In a mate choice study, Dr. Fisher found people were attracted by whom they chose to meet for a first date as follows:

Female Male

Explorers - Explorers
Builders - Builders
Directors - Negotiators
Negotiators - Directors

Of course, there are variations. To gain a fuller understanding you will have to read the book! It is interesting, and very well written. Also, check out www.chemistry.com.

Take Why You? Why Me? Test

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