
Dec 16, 2008 14:59

Attention to all students.

Student Council will once again be managing the yearly Christmas Surprise tradition and are taking orders starting today.

The basic idea of it is to sign up the name of the person that is to be given a chocolate santa, along with ¥100. If you want a particular note to be passed along in addition, be sure to attach it to your order sheet. Anonymous begifting is as welcomed.

Name of the recipient:
Your name: (feel free to put anonymous.)
Additional message:

[replies will be screened, no surprises ruined.]

The chocolate Santas will be handed out by our council Santas throughout the last day of school. Latest orders will be accepted on Thursday, December 18th.

A merry Christmas in advance.

| | filtered to NPC s-sob Student Council members | |

If you do so find an excuse to make me dress up in red robes and hand gifts to cackling freshmen while ho ho ho-ing, I will, and take my word for it, end you.