
Jan 25, 2011 10:18

Thanks to nienna_weeper for wishing me a Happy Birthday!!! It was a good day on Sunday. Mom took me to the library and then out for dinner. This birthday I was SPOILED!!! Mom and dad bought me a doll that is coming from Korea and hasn't made it here yet. Dad took us out for lunch on Thursday and then mom took me out for dinner on Sunday. I also found some clothes on clearance and mom just had to get them for me. I also received some cash from Aunt B and Uncle D and from mom. Aunt K called on Sunday and Aunt B called me on Saturday to wish me a Happy Friday Birthday. I tried to let her know it wasn't until Sunday, but it took her till Monday to realize it and then she called me again last night to wish me yet another HB. And this is the first birthday in a long time that we didn't have snow. It was cool, but shiny out.

The weather is suppose to be nice all week. Cool, but sunny with just a bit of clouds. It'll be nice to have a bit of a break from the gray clouds and rain. Plus with the sunshine I can open up the windows and get some light and not worry about loosing all of the warmth that out little electric heaters give us.

Last week tygati worked on Grieve's face and got most of it done. It looks SO good! I haven't' been able to take any decent pics, but I'm hoping with the better weather I'll get some good one's. All that's needs to be done is the facial tattoo and then he's done. I also would love to work on some clothes for them since I now have a sewing machine. Hopefully with the sunshine I'll be able to get outside and get some cutting done. I'll post pics as soon as I have some.

I'm having fun with my Kindle that I got for Xmas. If anyone has any recs, even if it's their own stuff, I would love to hear about it. I've been trying to find some decent stuff and just get lost in all of the search options...

family, weather, holidays, dollies, me

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