Essay Writing Practice (Example Exercise):
Step one:
Listen to and read the lyrics for the following two songs:
- "Life on Mars?" by David Bowie
- "She's leaving home" by The Beatles
Step two:
- Write a brief summary of each song, describing, in your own words, what you think the topic(s) is/are of both songs and how the songs characterize their topic(s) (you may wish to highlight key words and phrases).
[prior to this exercise, practice summarizing content in one's own words in class so students have experience and examples to aid them]
Step three:
- Compare/Contrast the songs in essay format, describing how both songs are similar and/or different: your argument should explain the significance of your findings as you understand them, using the similarities and differences of both songs to prove your stance.
[prior to this exercise, discuss paragraph development and how one compares and contrasts items/concepts/etc. with the students; again, with in-class examples and practice]