May 11, 2005 22:38
2:00: first try to go to sleep after chatting online. Because I'm a nerd.
2:30: Fall asleep.
6:30: Wake up.
7:20: Arrive at school. Go into couch-filled student room, and tell myself that I'm only resting my eyes when I lie down on one of them.
9:30: Wake up. Slept through art, unintentionally.
9:45-10:30: The rest of my courses. Blocks are short here.
12:00 Lunch.
13:00 On a train to Heidelberg. Big touristy town.
14:00 Arrive in Heidelberg.
14:30 Wander around for a bit, cursing how much souvenirs cost.
14:45: Find the shop that sells absinthe. and I mean THE shop. Wall to wall green, occaisionally relieved by red or blue. Think to myself "Hey, I know some people who would like to be here..."
14:50 Meet the owners. Find out that all those bottles (there was an altar... with a candelabra..) open there are open because it's free to sample. Begin to sample, and find out that the owners are great for conversation. Which was in german, by the way.
16:25 After three glasses of absinthe, no apparent insantiy, much information and two new contacts, I walk back to the train station. it took a while.
17:05 Push myself into the jam packed train.
18:05 Squeeze myself out of the jam packed train.
18:30 Arrive after walking to Kristal's house. Told her about the shop. It was depressing.
18:45 Leave Kristals House. Walk back to bike. No clue why I left it at the station. Ride home.
19:20 Arrive at home. Find out that I narrowly missed the bus after the bus I was supposed to take to the Stammkursabend (class party with the twelfths )
19:30 Stammkursabend starts without me.
19:47 Catch the last bus going in the right direction.
20:03 Get off at the wrong stop due to a clerical errow. Begin to walk the 3 km towards the restaurant, cursing fate.
20:10 Get picked up by a kindly soul who saw what happened.
20:15 After many thanks, I make my fashionably late entrance into the party. Chat a bit, order something non-alchoholic to drink. Absinthe doesn't make you drunk, per-se, but I feel a bit wierd... still.
20:30 Realize I forgot my wallet at home.
21:30 Get everyones pity leftovers ;)
10:00 And get offered a ride back home.
Wierd day, even by my standards.