RP log ~ Watari

Nov 15, 2005 16:29

An older log in which Kidd is paid by Watari for an inquiry that he never accomplishes and the secret behind the origin of Watari's scar (that is NOT on his butt ¬¬;) is revealed!

LAC768: Haha, Kidd and Eugene had a most amusing RP earlier. XP

TheLunagirl: XD;
TheLunagirl: Awesome

LAC768: Heh. It was. Watari was mentioned.

TheLunagirl: Oh?! :O

LAC768: XD Heee heee heeeeeeee~
LAC768: Only briefly, but it was sad. XD;

TheLunagirl: What did they say?

LAC768: Well, it was a lengthy discussion about how cool "butt scars" are.
LAC768: And Kidd pulled "Yeah, well, Watari even has one" out of nowhere.

TheLunagirl: XD;; But Watari's scare is on his faaaaace

LAC768: Yes
LAC768: but that doesn't mean he has one on his butt.

TheLunagirl: XD;;
TheLunagirl: Just making sure Kidd or Eugene doesn't think that

LAC768: Well, Eugene basically didn't believe him
LAC768: But it was such an amusing conversation, it killed me.

TheLunagirl: lol
TheLunagirl: Watari will have to correct that mistake XD

LAC768: Oh ho? >D

TheLunagirl: Scare the living daylights out of Eugene is more like it XD

LAC768: XDDD I can just imagine it.
LAC768: "....You want to know the truth behind my legendary butt scar?"

TheLunagirl: Yes, and it happens to be on his FACE of all places

LAC768: *dies*

Kidd: NO, it's a butt scar. >(

Watari: If it is ON my FACE, HOW is it a BUTT scar?

Kidd: Who says you can only have one scar? Huh? HUH? Ohhhh, beat THAT, Butt Scar Man!

Watari: But I have only one scar. ON MY FACE.

Kidd: That's what they WANT you to think.

Watari: >>

Kidd: *oh HO I WIN stance*

Watari: You make no sense. Why would I want ANYONE to think I had a scar on my prosterior?

Kidd: I can keep this a secret for you if you're embarrassed~

LAC768: (omg Kidd, you're an idiot. >_>)

Watari: *suddenly takes Kidd by the collar and hefts him up to eye level* Where did you get the ridiculous notion I had a scar on my rear?

Kidd: o_____o ItwasonlybecauseIfiguredyouhadoneonyourfacebe causeyouhideyourothereyeandscarsarekindofcool andyouarecoolsoIputtwoandtwotogether--!!

Watari: Well, I do have a scar. *drops him and lifts his hair back, revealing his ice blue eye with a raised crescent moon scar over it*

Kidd: *immaturishly loud* COOL--!!

Watari: Mm, wanna know how I got it?

Kidd: .....*sudden chill* ....

Watari: Is that a yes or not?

Kidd: >( I never back down at an opportunity to learn something--!!

Watari: *kneels so he is eye level, tucking his hair back so his eye and scar are still visible* I got it when my teacher took his blade and struck me over the eye for refusing to finish killing someone. He nearly blinded me and I was in solitary for a month. They stitched my eye closed to heal it for six, and there is no way to remove the scar. Sound so cool now?

Kidd: .... u__u

Watari: *rises* Didn't think so.

Kidd: ...*shuffles his feet*

Watari: *lets his hair fall to cover the scar again*

Kidd: .....I'll...erm....I'm going to have to tell Eugene so he doesn't spread such a horrible misconception!

Watari: Oh, don't worry. I can do that. One look at me and the poor boy soils himself.

Kidd: Hey, he's my pal, so don't you insult him! >( Eugene could beat you up ANY DAY!

Watari: *quirks eyebrow* I'm not trying to insult him, I am pointing out a fact. If you want, watch him one day when he meets me on a path or something.

Kidd: *crosses his arms* Eugene's too cool to soil himself.

Watari: I might have exagerated there, but nonetheless, he's scarred stiff.

Kidd: *puts on an air of unconviction, but deep down he kind of knows its true* ...Then don't be so imposing!

Watari: *looks down at him* You think I CAN?

Kidd: *glares up ignorantly* You can do ANYTHING if you want to.

Watari: *chuckles* Like Eugene beating me up?

Kidd: ExACTly. But he's not challenging you--he already has a challenge scheduled!

Watari: *snorts* 500 potch on the other guy.

Kidd: You're a jerk. .....


Watari: *pokes his head* Baka

Kidd: What? >_O

Watari: *smirks* I would think you would know what that means by now.

Kidd: Yeah, only a dorko would act all billingual to feel better about themselves. >_>

Watari: Ah, but the point is I AM bilingual. You can't boast the same skill.

Kidd: ......
Kidd: I have a cool hat!

Watari: And I have a cool sword.

Kidd: And I have the COOLEST bowtie.

Watari: But I have multi-colored hair.

Kidd: But I have a cowlick.

Watari: I have ninja skills.

Kidd: I have investigation skills.

Watari: That take you about as far as a toy boat will take Lucas's crew.

Kidd: *stares blankly*

Watari: *blinks back*

Kidd: ....

Watari: .......(Translation: Wonder if he can speak ellipses )

Kidd: ......*wonders if Eugene is still contemplating getting a butt scar*

Watari: .....(Translation: Obviously not )
Watari: *pokes Kidd again* Chibi Baka

Kidd: What?! >__O Stop poking me, you abusive adult!

Watari: *smirks* Got you to talk.

Kidd: Ack! *is pwned*

Watari: *smirks*

Kidd: *rolls his eyes* You still don't have a cool hat.

Watari: *shrugs* I have a mask. Pwns a hat anyday.


Watari: *rolls eyes*

Kidd: Mine is red, so HAH.

Watari: *smirks* But I am still the only one with a scar here. ((means between the two of them ))

Kidd: ......Eugene has a scar.

Watari: *quirks eyebrow*

Kidd: Ohhhh, yeah. *nods and folds his arms smartly*

Watari: *smirks* WHERE is this scar?

Kidd: I can't tell you. You'd have to pay me because that information is considered to be part of an inquiry.

Watari: How much?

Kidd: For a basic inquiry, only about 300 potch.

Watari: *rummages in his pocket and hands Kidd 1000 potch.

Kidd: o__o Nice-!

Watari: It's pocket change, really.

Kidd: .....Yeahwellforyoubecauseyouoverchargeallthetim eanyway*grumblegrumble*

Watari: I don't over charge at all. Most of my clients can usually pay what I charge upfront, no questions asked.

watari, rp log

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