RP log ~ Eike

May 22, 2006 14:28

 In which Kidd nosily pokes around the sublevels for clues on Landis, interrupts Eike's sleep, they begin to discuss Fred's situation, but the conversation strays into an unprecedented realm...

Kidd: *after listening to the on-goings involving Fred, Landis, and Maxine, the old investigative curiosity has has been reignited. He wanders down a passage in the third sublevel searching for clues about Landis, but finds himself at the warmly-lit alcove after walking for a while.

Eike:**leaning unconscious against a dark wall of the alcove, gripping his favorite book tightly against his chest. His eyes are half-opened, gazing glazed over at the cave floor. Its hard to tell whether he's dead or just sleeping. His breathing is unusally shallow**..."

Kidd: *pales and instinctively mistakens Eike for a corpse at first glance. Curiosity wins out, however, and he sneakily sneaks forward, trying to read the title of the precious book* ...

Eike:**still as death as kidd approaches, and then...** ....."
Eike:" ! " **eyes flick open** **gazes directly at kidd**

Kidd: gjagkj?!!?! *stumbles backwards and falls on his back, losing his hat and gaining an impressive bruise in the process. He winces and groans in pain, but slowly looks back up*

Eike:**still in the haze of sleep**.....you....what...."
Eike:"....**shakes head**....what are you doing here....?"

Kidd: ...Heh. ...Heh heh.... hi?

Eike:"....*grumble*....I said....WHAT are you doing here kidd...?"

Kidd:  Innnnnvestigating? *innocent smile*

Eike:...really...>_>...what are you investigating...might I ask...?"

Kidd: *stands up and brushes himself off, replacing his hat, then folds his arms* All sorts of suspicious things happen down here.

Eike:....that is true...but you disturbed my sleep...usually when I'm down here..nothing happens..."

Kidd: *raises an eyebrow* Really...? Tch.

Eike:"....yes...**shakes off sleep** **rubs eyes** **stands** is there anything I can help you with....?"

Kidd: *perks slightly, but is suddenly reminded of how short he is when Eike stands up* Can you tell me anything about Landis..?

Eike:....All I know is that he's part of maxines plan to capture the sangre demon....also known as The Blood Altar...."

Kidd: That's a stupid name. It's not manly at all. *makes a face* But there are no altars around Budheuc. ....Right, Eike?

Eike:....**disgruntled**..."altar" refers to the demon possessing sir fred....apparently...thats what a sangre demon was called in the past..."

Kidd: The past? *takes out a notebook* So this has happened before, yes~?

Eike:....well....Blood Altars have existed before man, as all demons have...**notes kidd writing down words**...their species names have changed in the texts of man....but they are essentially the same thing....so yes; they have possessed and killed before..."

Kidd: ....*more to himself* I wonder what made this one pick Fred...?

Eike:"...*to kidd*....well..it may have a certain bloodlust for knights in general, perhaps a grudge of some form....either that, or fred was exceptionally strong, strong enough to carry out a long term possessing..."

Kidd: Fred? He's kind of...uh....I guess he might fulfill those requirements. *skeptical look*

Eike:"....what makes you think otherwise...?

Kidd: I dunno, he's kind of clumsy sometimes.

Eike:...thats not something that a geist would want though.....it would want someone strong, so that that particular someone doesn't suffer a heart attack from long-term possession...a demon set out for blood would also want someone fast, pure-hearted, and possibly with a good reputation....a sangre demon wants to destroy as much as it can..."

Kidd: ...*everything makes perfect sense the way Eike describes it, and Kidd feels twinge of guilt for Fred.* Someone with those qualities doesn't deserve that kind of crap.

Eike:....U__U....but it does. As sad as it is....and the endings are usually unhappy. Men women and children are killed....people's lives are ruined...and the seeds of hatred are planted and sowed...."
Eike:"...I pray that this doesn't happen....although my premontions don't seem too bright..."

Kidd: No, they don't, buddy. But there are so many people around Budehuc who care about Fred, so I bet things won't be as bad as you're making them out to be.

Eike:...."buddy"...?....**ahem** well...in my experience, things don't happen out well....but I've been proven wrong before. I hope to be proven wrong again...I don't like being right."

Kidd: *incredulous look* I love being right!


Eike:"...well....your usually right about things that don't involve tragedy....."

Kidd: I am? :DD

Eike:"....well....nobody is correct one hundred percent of the time...but when you are correct....its usually about a positive thing....I have noticed..."

Kidd: *another twinge of guilt, this time for Eike* Yeah, well, I've been wrong about things before. *sits down and rests his elbows on his knees* Especially lately.

Eike:"...**sits down indian style, gaze affixed on kidd**...really...? **Thinks: He's admitting fault?!**..."

Kidd: *takes off his hat and ruffles his hair* ...What do you know about Camus? I can't seem to find enough notes about him.

Eike:"....camus...? He was involed in the dunan unification war correct?"

Kidd: That's the one. The one with the really bright white smile. *twitch*

Eike:"....well...I never noticed that feature....I could look up some info on him though....as long as it is for decent reasons..."

Kidd: Of course it's decent!!!! *scowls* ...I think.

Eike:....but you're not certain...? I wouldn't wish to give out private info....>>"

Kidd: *creepy vigor* I AM CERTAIN~

Eike:**steady expression, not intimidated**....alright then....let me see what I can find...**walks over to a quaint bookshelf with a few outdated tomes**"

Kidd: ...*sits uneasily for a moment, then stands in a hurry* No, wait, you don't have to!

Eike:**stops**...oh...? **loks back at kidd, stare unintentionally steely**"

Kidd: Yeah. I think it might be better if I found out on my own. I feel sneaky. u_u

Eike:...and why is that...? There's nothing seedy going on...correct? Or were you lying...?"

Kidd: *looks at his feet, but figures Eike isn't one to gossip* ....*mumbles something incoherent*

Eike:...**squints**...what was that....? >B-{ "

Kidd: @__________@

Eike:....**shakes head**....."

Kidd: DoyouthinkpeoplewouldgetthewrongideaifImaybe suggestedtoNanamithatwecanallgotothefestivalto gethersinceEugeneisprobablygoingtogowithMitsu baandIthinkSharonwilltrytoforceSasuketocomealo ng-?!

Eike:O_________O **face drops, pulls head back in surprise**....you mean......you mean a "group outing"...?"


Eike: **thinks: since WHEN do people ask ME for social advice??**.....I think that would be fine.....U__U....safety in numbers, afterall..."

Kidd: Yeah, well...I can't....I can't really ask if Camus is going to ask, you know? *shuffles*

Eike:.....ask....ask what? **is hesitant to ask for elaboration** "

Kidd: *decides Eike just wants him to repeat things that are painful ;__;* Ask Nanami to come with me to the festival!!

Eike:".....oh....oh...! You're having trouble asking someone out.....oh shucks....U_U; This isn't really my area of expertice...but....

if you really wish for her company....you'll work for it....even if its painful to you...."


Eike:"O_____________O;; I was....merely suggesting....oh...nevermind.....U__U bollocks..."

Kidd: Either way, I'm doomed. *holds his head in his hands* I can't ask Sharon because she'll never agree. She likes Sasuke too much, and I don't want to intervene.

Eike:...**is beginning to feel queasy**...well kidd....you'll never know for certain...until you try....U__u;;; **hands him a handkerchief for his nose**...whatever you might think....this time around, you COULD be wrong..."

Kidd: *takes the kerchief appreciatively , quelching the nosebleed with uncanny skill* But I don't want to ask Sharon if I can ask Nanami. And I don't want to ask Nanami if Camus is asking, or worse, if she asks Camus.

Eike:**shakes off the naucious feeling he got from smelling kidd's blood**...so.....you're love-torn....goodness....U_U;; why, of all people....are you asking me about this...?"

Kidd: *sputters and starts to protest, but frowns* ....You're really sharp, you know that?

Eike:"...no....I'm just a bit....experienced...being older than yourself..."

Kidd: *wonders what Eike means by "experienced" but doesn't feel at liberty to push it* ...At least Eugene's got everything figured out.

Eike:"....no, he's most likely more confused than you think....I wouldn't know....but....in my experience, boys your age don't know what they want exactly....."

Kidd: I want to be the greatest detective ever!!! *__* But...a detective isn't supposed to have any sort of relationship that could intefere with work.

Eike:"...that isn't necessarily true in all cases...personally,...I would ask the one you can picture yourself with best...and if she denies you....shrug it off and try the other...if both attempts fail....then...

fate must wish you solitary..."

Kidd: *furrows his brow, obviously in deep thought* ... I can't picture myself with anyone. *heart breaks* D:

Eike:....**feels a certain affinity with kidd's self-image**...its not about that though....usually, what you picture isn't how it turns out. I wouldn't fear being alone.....for your entire life. "

Kidd: I know I won't be alone because there's Eugene....*heart breaks again* But he has Mitsuba, so I guess I will be alone someday.

Eike:"....**is uncomfortable**...I wouldn't fret...don't fret....U__U;;... just ask, words have power you know...."

Kidd: My nosebleeds seem more powerful than my words lately. x_x

Eike:....your nerves cause your nose to bleed....?"

Kidd: >__> Partly. And since I've got a condition, it's hard to stop it.

Eike:"...**is really uncomfortable**....I'm not sure what you could do there....but...hmm....how much time do you have to ask....someone out...?"

Kidd: The festival is next week. And can you please not say "asking out?" ;___; It lowers my self-esteem.

Eike:"...my apologies....so...a week until you have to form....a "group". Have you contemplated writing a letter...?"

Kidd: A....a letter? *blinks* But who would I write to first?

Eike:"...whomever you consider the most important."

Kidd: They're both important. ~__~ I hate having to chose.
Kidd: But Sharon likes Sasuke, and I'm afraid I'd offend her. And Nanami likes Camus, and I'm afraid she'd 
pound me if she found out.

Eike:"....well, in order to make progress....your going to have to 'suck it up'...so to speak, and choose.

As for the girls....risk is the only way your going to get anywhere....in your endeavours...."

Kidd: u__u You're one wise dude, Eike. And people say you aren't manly. Pfft.

Eike:"....If you get punched, or you offended someone...at least you tried.....right?"

Kidd: ....Yeah. ._.'

Eike:".....Hmmm...? Well....it doesn't concern me...what people think of me. Let them think. Their thoughts will get them nowhere..."

Kidd: *stands up* Then I'll write a letter!!!! XO

Eike:"....and your one step closer to putting this ugly business behind you.....happy to have helped....**relaxes a little**"

eike, rp log

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