[This Space Intentionally Left Blank.]

May 09, 2013 13:49

After something like 10 years, I finally gave up and allowed my paid account to lapse (it's currently reverted back for a week to make up for an outage, but after May 14, that's it). I've gone back and forth about this for the last several years, but being on full-time toddler duty means I've not updated since November, so... it was time. That doesn't mean I'm closing up shop: I still read my f-list about every week or so - not that it's very active these days, either - I just don't have it in me to pretend to keep up anymore.

I've considered starting a blog elsewhere for cooking/child-rearing stuff (have a title and a masthead design and everything), but a) just what the world needs, ANOTHER food/mommy blog, and b) that sounds like way too much effort. On very, very good days, I get a two hour break while the Two-Foot Terror is napping, which is immediately filled with cleaning, cooking, cleaning, and (if I am very, very lucky!) lunch and an episode of Doctor Who. (Finally got to season two. It's getting better.)

[The Terror, for her part, is amazing and all-consuming. She's 15.5 months old now, and turning into a little person. We were afraid that she was behind on talking; now, I'm starting to think she's been talking all along and we just can't differentiate the different nuances of "Da da." The other day, we were changing a particularly odious diaper, and when my husband said, "Wow, that is some stank!" she looked up at him and replied, "Stank!" I shudder to think what else she's been picking up from us.]

Anyhow, just wanted to drop in and dust off the cobwebs. If I do decide to renew - or stake out internet real estate elsewhere - I'll leave a note. In the meantime, if you're still anyone reading, feel free to say hi and, I dunno, let me know that 12+ years of LJ haven't come and gone unnoticed.

food, life, daily grind, family

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