I have unresolved anger towards Nakayama Yuma?

Apr 22, 2012 15:29

Ha! I made a friend of mine fall head over heels to Ryo yesterday and I didn't even try. I guess something good comes from studying Swedish for three hours. Now if I only get her to love rest of K8 too...

I had a really strange dream last night, I was travelling through Helsinki towards this GOLD stadium, the name was pronounced as gold but written with Uverworld's logo (gold is one of Uverworld's singles), to see some kind of concert. I remember using a subway at first but after that is when the dream got really weird... I was walking towards a train station in Sörnäinen so I could take a train to the stadium, I have no idea if the place has a train station in real life, I would guess not, but anyway while walking I got almost ran over by a white train that snaked through the streets, it was more like a living thing than a train, think of cat bus in Totoro and replace it with albino snake train. I boarded the train and inside met a conductor who was actually the fatter half of Hanya. We talked some and I found out that the train was headed towards Pasila station because there was some kind of big conductor meeting happening there but that they would take me to the Sörnäinen station as it was on the way anyway (again probably not true in RL). Then the conversation turned towards Johnny's and the Hanya conductor started to rave how he wanted to kill Nakayama Yuma in various ways. Apparently he had acted with Yuma in Koishite Akuma, playing the teacher who was in charge of Yuma's class (the teacher was some woman in the real drama) and had accumulated a deep hatred for him. The rest of the dream I kept listening how the Hanya guy would like to kill Yuma, most clearly I remember him wanting to suffocate Yuma with a pillow. The dream ended before I arrived to the Sörnäinen station which is a shame cause I never got to find out what kind of concert I was going to see.

Does the dream mean that I unconsciously hate Yuma or that I need to visit the Helsinki area more often cause my knowledge of the place really sucks? Oh well, I have no time to worry about that cause I have the FIRST part of my Swedish test tomorrow and I suck, badly...

weido dreams, je

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