Legions of Fire, alternate version - first chapter posted!

Jan 29, 2013 22:19

Aaaannnnd we have liftoff! :)

I just finished and posted the first chapter of the B5 post-series story I was brainstorming about earlier this week. I honestly have no idea how quickly I'm going to be able to make progress on this, but I'll be trying to have the next chapter ready for you in a week or so. *knocks on wood* In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this first effort!

Title: Though I Walk Through the Valley
Fandom: Babylon 5
Summary: So what happened during those sixteen long years in which Londo waited for the prophecies to come true? An attempt to bridge the gap between Londo's ascension to the throne and Centauri Prime's eventual liberation from the Drakh.
Characters: Londo Mollari, Vir Cotto. Expected to appear in later chapters: Timov, G'Kar, Delenn, Lennier, possibly others.
Category/Rating: gen-ish (with some background pairings), PG-13
Author's Notes: This is basically an alternate version of the events post-Fall of Centauri Prime; alternate, that is, to Peter David's Legions of Fire trilogy. I do not presume to match Mr. David in terms of writing skill, but I did miss a number of things in his novels, which led me to try to write my own take on events. I am not considering the trilogy to be canon, and no knowledge of the novels is required to read this. The story takes off during the season-five episode The Fall of Centauri Prime and covers the sixteen-year period until Londo's eventual death (so yes, it will have - canon - character death eventually).
Thanks to: All of you who were so enthusiastic at the prospect of this story that I couldn't *not* take the plunge and give it a try!

As always, any feedback or discussion is welcome! Even more so because this is a work in progress, meaning I can actually try to incorporate suggestions and requests.

(It was clear from the set of Vir's shoulders that he was afraid, and that Londo was the cause of it. Not simply because he was about to become Emperor, but for what it might change between them. What it had already changed.)

This entry was originally posted at http://amatara.dreamwidth.org/42635.html. There are
comments there. Feel free to comment wherever you prefer.

babylon 5, fanfic, vir, londo

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