B5 fic: "Eye of the Beholder" [Londo, G'Kar, Vir]

Apr 08, 2012 01:03

Hi there! I'm still here, and doing pretty much okay. Real-life hecticness (is that even a proper noun?) keeps preventing me from being anything close to active on here, but please know I haven't vanished into thin air! What I have been is thwarted by tendinitis (wrist brace! antiinflammatory meds! bring 'em on!) which in theory means I should be ( Read more... )

angst, babylon 5, fanfic, vir, londo, g'kar

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amatara April 10 2012, 18:32:12 UTC
Yay, I'm so glad you liked this! It's a bit of a funny thing, really, how this fic ended up being written. I mean, I didn't write a word of fanfic in months but I hadn't really gotten to the point where I missed the creative process (mostly because I've been going through the kind of period where my need for relaxation wins out on my need for getting creative every time). But then suddenly, I got this overwhelming need to write something again, just NEED TO WRITE FIC NOW NOW NOW. It completely took me by surprise, and then I had no idea what to write at first until I remembered your request from back in the day. And then I ended up writing this in (for me) a super-short amount of time! So it seems your prompt really jump-started my writing muse, lol. :) Nor sure if that will last, but writing this story has been a real boost, so thank you for the lovely prompt!

I'm always madly pleased if my personal take on something makes it into someone's headcanon, so yay for Londo and G'Kar's first meeting (and the link to Londo's dreams) having made it into yours! I basically started this fic by wondering what the most likely situation would have been: as I felt it, that would be Londo having known G'Kar's face from his dreams before they even met (which I think is a pretty common assumption in B5 fanon) and therefore having a very good reason to resent him from the start. And then I thought, why not turn that around and start out from the exact opposite? I'm really happy to hear that the premise worked for you!

As for Timov, it's been so long since I've seen her turn up in fic, so I just had to include a glimpse of her here. :) And of course Londo is underestimating her - just ike he's underestimating G'Kar and Vir, who could and would support him through anything, if he'd only trust them enough to let them see that side of him too. Which of course is part of the tragedy, too. *sniffles*

Thank you so much for this lovely comment! It means a lot to me, especially now that my energy for writing is at a bit of a low. I'm with you when it comes to receiving gifts just when you need them most. Thank you! *hugs*


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