Yuletide 2011 collection has opened! I wasn't an official participant this year, but my recipients liked their respective Yuletide treats, which made me happy. I do intend to sign up again next year, if I can - I missed the squeeing over assignments and the obsessively checking the 'gifts' tag at AO3 and the joy of opening one's present - but I
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Oh God, I'm sorry. I'm such a drama queen, aren't I? *hugs* I do hope you had a good Christmas week-end, and still have a bit of vacation to look forward to, even you can't take any right now? I gather you haven't had much luck on the looking for a new job front, then... or are you still looking? Don't give up, I'm sure something will present itself!
As for me, I'm okay. I ended up going into a fit of house-cleaning yesterday, and after that felt much better; must be therapeutic, cleaning. :) You know, I think I'm just going to take down that part of this post; yesterday I just wanted to get it off my chest, but now I figure I shouldn't be whining over banalities like these. Thanks for the reality check, seems I needed that. *hugs* *feels a little embarrassed now*
I hope you've had a chance to browse through the Yuletide collection after it opened - I'm familiar with very few of the fandoms this year, but the fics I've read so far are consistently great, as always. selenak is posting recs, too, should you be looking for any!
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