Choices, life, choices...

Apr 16, 2011 09:58

Yesterday, my husband's grandmother passed away after complications resulting from brain surgery.

The day after tomorrow, husband and I are leaving on a three-week holiday.

This is... an odd feeling.

Husband and I have talked about the holiday, and we both agree we're not going to change our plans. For one, cancelling it now would be an incredible hassle, not to mention very expensive (plane tickets, rental car, hotels have all been booked and paid for in advance), but also, we really still want to go. And that, too, is an odd feeling.

Rationally speaking, of course, there isn't much we could do anyway if we stayed. Except, you know, mourn, and maybe spend some more time with husband's family, and go to the funeral, which we'll be missing now. On the other hand we've been looking forward to this vacation for a very long time, and it will probably be the very last really big trip we're going to take for quite some years. This summer they'll be starting construction of our house so there'll be bills to pay, and once we've moved into the house chances are we're going to start thinking about kids, so... yeah. This was a bit of a symbolic vacation for us in that context. That, and we both had one hell of a tough year professionally, and both desperately feel like we need a break from work. So yeah... we'll be going. And when we're there we'll think of home, probably a lot more than we'd do otherwise, but we still intend to have as good a time as we can anyway. Which feels... odd, but not quite wrong.

Life and death, right? Can't have one without the other.


On a less melancholy note: help_japan! I won fic by the lovely kangeiko and heartequals, and was won by the wonderful yetanothermask and faelhach, for whom I'll be writing Babylon 5 and Twin Peaks fic, respectively, in return for their generous donations.

I may or may not have access to Internet a few times in the next three weeks, but I'm not sure and I'm not quite counting on it - so please don't worry if you try to contact me and don't hear back from me for a while. I'll reply as soon as I'm able, in the week of 10th May at the latest.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you prefer.

help_japan, real life

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