Today, Dee took Kaitlyn & I out to lunch. We also went to Party City, and found the gift bags we'll be using for welcome bags for the wedding. Also obtained: card box for the receiving table.
Dee let me know she's got the reservation set for a bridal shower! (September 11th) Woot. She's so on top of things.
I am currently eating grilled chicken and greek salad.
Yesterday, Eric came over and trimmed the lowest branches off the tree in the back patio area; it was getting a bit droopy and straggly down at the bottom.
Kaitlyn and I are going to start to learn the Tango on Tuesday.
I am currently listening to classical Spanish guitar - (currently, but you should also check out pretty much all of this guy's stuff). It makes me miss my Dad, actually.
Aunt Bunny passed away. She was actually my great-aunt, but everyone called her Aunt Bunny anyway). When I spoke to Mom today, she wanted to know if I'd heard, and I told her that not only did I hear, but I had already ordered flowers & sent sympathy cards.
As it turns out, I am rapidly becoming one of the best healers in the guild. ... and, actually, they really seem to like me. (They like me! They really like me!) Which is great, because we (K & I) really like them. As soon as Wedding is past - we'll probably make arrangements to meet up & visit some of them.
In other news, we had a lovely chat on the porch with our neighbor the other evening - the result of which was slightly melted ice cream (we were on the way home from the grocery store) ... and also that we're "sharing" the potted flowers between our front doors now. LOL Our neighbor is a pretty hip chick, a single working mother (as far as I can tell) with a 7 year old son. We stood on our shared stoop in the late-summer evening breeze and gossiped shamelessly about who is moving in and out of our neighborhood here, and about our social networks.
Next up: I'm formatting and editing the wedding ceremony that Kaitlyn and I wrote. When it's in decent shape, I'll be sending copies to appropriate parties for review. Once the rough draft is edited, I'll send copies to the bridal party, so they can get familiar with this craziness before they are asked to actually lead it in front of all assembled guests.
Are we asking too much?
LOL - Scott Pilgrim vs the World came out this weekend.