
Oct 07, 2004 20:26

Yeah, so today was amusing. It started out with Latin, and all we did was nothin since we have a sub for 3 days. Next was band, and all we did was listen to the trumpets mess up idk how many times. ELB, we tried to record the entire "Disney Suite" as I like to call it, but we never managed to get through even half of it. Then it was off to chem, and we hadda quiz and it was extremly easy, then we sat around and chatted about it. Last was english and once again, i did nothin, but mark up my musical part with vocal cues while Mr. Quindley tallied off the freshman elections.

Then I had lessons. I was able to get 2 etudes crossed out of the three. She also gave me a new warmup routine that isn't in any of the books, so now i must figure it out all over again. Then we worked on my audition music for on of her college professors. It's the Mozart in D. She said that im very uneven with my 16ths, and I do not know how or why is that. She also corrected my posture since I've "watched, learned and played with Susan Milan so much that I need to get back into the American style of playing." Oh well. Guess I gotta stare at myself in the mirror again for 2+ hours trying to correct that. I also have the plessure of another 1.25 hr lesson on monday before the audition on Wednesday. Oh joy. I just hope I do decent, I heard the guy is very very very VERY picky about everything.

Saturday should be fun, I'm going to Salem with Andy. Anything we do together, always turns amusing in some twisted way. I heard we're gonna to some haunted activities....sounds sketchy if ya ask me. Oh well, I'm off to copy CDs for my fellow thespians.

your truly,

Alan Tomasetti
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