There were many amazing nominations this month and if I could pick four or five sites, I certainly wouldn't be lacking in choices, but there can only be one site of the month every month. This particular shrine stood out for its well written and detailed information which is both well researched and presented.
La Fille Brave Oscar Francois De Jarjayes from Versailles no Bara
Versailles no Bara is a manga and anime that I have not read or watched before, so I came into this site not knowing what to expect from the character and story. Even though I had no familiarity with the character at first, that quickly changed as I browsed through the pages of this well made shrine. La Fille Brave focuses on the character Oscar Francois De Jarjayes, discussing every aspect of her personality, story and details about her character. Saya also presents historical facts and information about legends that help build a clear image of where the idea of Oscar came from, which in turn contributes to better understanding the character.
Some of the features that stand out the most in this shrine are the well researched facts and the variety of angles taken to build Oscar's analysis. Another of my favorite sections was the connections, which show the different facets of Oscar's character in relation to other important characters in her life. Though unlike some of the other characters in the manga and anime, Oscar is fictional; her character can still be linked to real life, as she is a well developed character with strengths and weaknesses who, like all human beings, lives life as a constant learning process. Her story is a very interesting one that was beautifully projected in this shrine.
Ava: This is a very complete and well-presented shrine. Saya gets right to the point in giving the reader a clear depiction of this strong female figure in old France. As fitting for a character that was Saya's childhood icon, there is a lot of personalized text that reflects the writer's perception, which is one of the reasons this shrine is so good. It's like reading the story of the character through the eyes of both a young child and a young adult. Furthermore, Saya brings in a bit of history and mythology to the experience. It all captured and held my attention very well.
Dubiousdisc: I had the chance to read through this site when I was volunteering for SOTM in January, and now I would like to add my own nomination too. La Fille Brave is an amazing, comprehensive shrine to a classic character from a classic series. As Saya herself writes in the page about the site, it is clearly the result of a love for Oscar which dates back to her childhood days, and as such she's had a long time to form her own opinions on the character, research her backstory, even delve into an historical study to follow the footprints of Ikeda herself when she was researching the facts around which she built Oscar's character. I was already familiar with the series, but I can say that this very unique shrine to this very unique character left me wanting to experience the series again.
Destinie: La Fille Brave by Saya is a really elegant tribute and a wonderful addition not only to her collective but to the shrining community. The site focuses around Oscar Francois of Versailles no Bara. This site wonderfully introduces a manga that I've never heard of and really goes into depths about the character. Saya lovingly represents Oscar and really goes out to give the character justice with captivating essays and analysis. A good shrine really makes the viewer want to check out a series that they've never read or seen before, I think La Fille Brave does just that.
Many thanks to those who nominated sites this month: