An Announcement

Jul 20, 2011 18:58

Hey guys!

We have a lot in store for you all and are working behind the scenes. The four mods (Masao, Daphne, Varen, and myself) all lead very busy personal lives, though, so it's taking time to get things done. This post is somewhat about that. (We have our own sites we're working on too! How far are you all with your one pagers?)

We don't want to keep things at the community dragging just because we're busy. We're not oblivious to the fact that we do need help, and we have taken steps to get it. We are signing on at least one more mod, and maybe another once she gets settled in and we see how things go. We've already reached out to a couple of people and have a lot of opportunities available to us due to such great members here. <3 Thank you all for being so patient with us and a special thanks to those of you who have reached out to us personally, and expressed a willingness to help.

Anyway, without further adieu, our new mod is...

Destinie of Little Wonders! I'm sure every single person here knows of Destinie and has interacted with her here. She has been an amazing, active, and dedicated member since she joined the community, and is very passionate about the shrining community in general. For those of you drawing a blank (Get out from under your rock!), she has ran the shrine pageant for the last two years in a row, started the Pokethon, which produced many new Pokemon shrines, and has been a driving force at our message boards, Amassment chats, and here at the main community. As you can see, she has a lot of community-oriented projects under her belt, and we're very lucky and excited to have her here. She already has many new ideas that she's bringing to the table. Keep your eyes peeled.

For those of you wanting to help out in the community in some way, all you have to do is contact one of us mods. We are always looking for event volunteers, SOTM pickers, and possibly eventually another mod. Just reach out to us and we will tell you how you can help.

Thanks, guys, and get back to shrining! One pagers are due in 11 days! I can't wait to see them all.


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