I'm actually kind of excited to be going home.

Jun 28, 2009 12:54

And! I got my ears pierced!! First time EVER! I'm excited. They look nice. Actually they make my ears look a little bigger than they did before, but I'm excited to wear dangley earrings and cool earrings. It's weird, too, because I never used to think that was pretty. It looked sophisticated, but just... not me. Like too grown up. I guess I'm growing up, too.

Project dont-take-zoloft is going well. I don't have to worry about drinking coffee too much, or having that daze right after I take it. There's a little less trouble with forgetting words and what I was trying to say, but not much. I still do that a lot, haha. But I also have this fever thing that's going around. Totally swine flu.

Anyhow it's getting better so in a few days I should be good. I have my mom's car today and I'm going to run stuff back and forth, but I'm surprisingly not that pressed for space. The big stuff, like the mattress and the bed, and the desk are going to have to go back in the trailer that Stephanie is renting, but it is going to be super easy. I'm glad.

I'll also be able to dig out my ancient East Asian Religions binder and read up a little bit on our Korean Shamanism unit. I found this website which is a "how to speak korean", very simple--numbers and little phrases thing. I'm enjoying it so I'm playing the little games and learning the alphabet and stuff. I'm excited to write in it. I can tell that I'm totally going to get into this. Wooo!!

I'm also excited a little bit about moving home because I won't feel TOO bad about over decorating like I always do. I have three strings of Christmas lights, and I know I can turn that room into a really good lookin place. Also, there is a Kenyan family that lives down the way a little, and their little boy was outside and got REALLY excited when he saw me, and well... Anywhere where there is cute babies, Maggie is happy.

All in all it worked out okay. I know that it's not what I wanted immediately, but... well. Two months and then I'm out of here. Not even, hopefully, if I get the August 20th start date. And I'm hoping that I will get to work with the Somali ladies again (who really aren't ALL Somali, and the girls aren't really even all African--but you know.) There are a lot of opportunities for volunteers anyway, and since I'm in a living situation where I won't be paying to live, volunteer work is an option for a couple months. And I can just get a job at a coffee shop for a while otherwise.

I can't remember if I posted my new artwork up here. I scanned these two about a week ago, but I don't think that I posted them on LJ.

Click on the links to see the full versions.


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