Nov 04, 2008 22:43
Obama is the victor. Not what I wanted, but I'm not going to complain. That would make me no better than the libs who bitched for 8 years and I'm a whole lot better than that. I can only say I'm ashamed to see how people are willing to shake their asses in other people's faces, or call each other names, or pick fights, or whatever. I've been called a racist and a bigot and a fascist in the past 2 hours. I can't believe how childish my generation is. It's disappointing. If you're willing to go around and call people names and act like a complete jerkoff (and this goes to people on both sides) then you were never ready to even cast a vote to see who would run our country. Grow the fuck up.
This is an immensely important time in our country's history. And we all got to be a part of it when we cast our votes. That alone should make every single person in this fucking country proud to be an American.
I'm not compromising my beliefs and I'm not going to slip quietly into the shadows for the next four years, but I'm going to accept this change and act like a mature adult about it. I love my country now, I loved my country in the Bush years, and I will love my country in the Obama years. There is no "tapering off" when you love your country and when you don't. You love America, or you don't love America.
End rant. The next four years should be interesting ;)