Warning: Pictures are BELOW the captions.
First things, first. Morrow did not have the lamp like I thought, Nate did. YAY!!
Let the cheating begin!
After her (what? 3rd, 4th?) save of the asylum, Emma went to hit it up with Nate.
All in a day's work. ^_~
Also, the fishtank has woven it's magic to the toddlers. Azula spends ALL her time there, when she's not pitching a fit.
Damn it! You two need to just STOP!
The bed is still the place to be and Santiago learns about the birds and the bees... or the bees and the bees...
If Emma wasn't around? I don't know how the toddlers would survive...
Though, Montana's pretty impressive at reading to them... at the worst possible location.
Don't be fooled by the happy baby icon over Jake's head.
Jake: Damn. I have another one.
Poor Jake.
Montana: Food! I need food! Giving birth is hungry work.
*Nevermind the fact that she's already in the kitchen but just refuses to cook for herself*
Welcome to the world, love!
Oh, it's a boy named Chandler (I may or may not have been watching
Friends), he has the light skin tone and alien eyes as does his half-sister Azula.
I see what you're thinking there...
I don't know what to make of this... This strange and unfamiliar Wanda..
She even consoled Morrow?! The mind boggles..
Oh, there you are! I was getting really freaked out then.
Damn it, guys! Stop freaking me out!!
He's even doing it right!! O_O
Azula: Mommy, mommy stop stepping on the bottle that daddy gave Chandler! I have to eat!
Montana: Being dead, is like, transcending the clouds. It's so lifting..
Morrow: OH, yeah she wasn't lying.
They kept talking about death and clouds. I don't know. *shrug*
After getting her ass kicked three times in a row, which I did not document because it happens so often, Wanda got on the bike. I couldn't help but laugh because it was like she KNEW that it would help her. XD These sims, so real sometimes.
Though, not smart enough to know when to stop..
Emma: Oh no! I didn't get Wanda back! :D
Emma: Really? I didn't win? :(
Emma: This is all Jake's fault. Jake
Azula: What? Did something happen?
Santiago tries to make Azula feel better by playing peek-a-boo with her!
Which had me spazzing since I didn't tell him to do it. :D And I had taken a billizon more pictures but I must have pressed the picture button too quickly and ended up with only these.
I love me some Santiago!
There's really no point to this picture, other than I love how Javier is all cheesing it in the back ground.
Morrow's turning into an angry drunk, it seems.
Ok, this is were I kind of cheat. For some reason Emma thought of Castor with anger flames. I thought, what the hell happened?
I look at Emma, she's mad at Castor. Still... What the hell happened?
So I take a look at Castor..
Nothing. Nothing in memories either.
A little while later I notice Emma doing the same thing with Morrow. So I check again.
Also, why do my sims icons keep changing?
Back to everyone else.
Azula finally realized that mommy's gone.
And that that milk was not good.
Woo! Transition... Great, I get the whiny child now.
I wanted to take a side pic of Azula. She's her father's daughter.
You know how some simmers have those children that are always awesome for no reason? I can finally be one of them. :P
Santiago ROCKS!
Azula? Not so much.
Speaking of awesomeness, Nate is now king of knowledge!
Oh, and Chandler grow up!
I think he got a lot of Montana in him.
Warning: Cheating will be seen.
I got really sad for Morrow, because she was always stalking Jake and Jake was just always in aspirational failure so I had Morrow flirt! I know, it's not allowed but Morrow is so darn shy. I had to do something.
Seriously, I'm going to kill you two. Don't look so satisfied Castor!!!
Can I just say what a great dad Nate would make? He's forever making friends with the kiddos and feeding them when they ask. :P
I was thisclose to freaking out about Emma dying. She doesn't have children to continue the work with. :P
Aww, why couldn't you do that with your own kid?
Azula comes home every day and pitches a fit.
Azula: Hey! HEY! Come here guys and look what I did!
Azula: I'm so awesome!
Damn you Morrow, if you die again I'm not saving you!!
Lets end this on a happy note, yes?
Smustle time!!!
Previous Updates:
IntroductionPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 Big thanks for those simmers who've shared their sims, in particular;
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