My Review of Breaking Dawn
When I read the spoliers for BD, I was immediately dreading the book. Everything I read was so negative. But then I read this:
The Twilight series has never been great-- it's been sloppily-written, almost plot-less, and incredibly cheesy-- but it's been a guilty pleasure. Or at least the first book was.
I won't go on--needless to say it wasn't a good review--but I agree with what it started with and that's why I agree with it so much I guess. I take it for what it was, which is a teen fantasy/romance book that for some will be the happily ever after that they can only dream about. Plus, it's her story (Stephenie Meyer's) and this is the way that it felt right for her.
So far I'm enjoying it even if Bella still pisses me off/annoy me, even though everything is upside down and right side up, it's a little of what I've come to expect for this series and I take it for face value and enjoy it for what it is.
What's above is what I wrote before I finished the book. Well, this morning at 4am I finally finished.
First I have to say I'm a huge stickler for the worlds that authors create for us. My biggest pet peeve is when an author seems to have forgotten what she/he wrote as the rules for this world, or just plain forgotten what happened to the characters as the stories progress. Stephenie Meyer, in my opinion, did not do these things. She does explain why certain things are happening to the characters and why it's so new but at the same time it isn't! It's really just new to us, because it's new to the characters.
Everyone seems to have such an issuse with Jake imprinting with Bella and Edward's daughter and I for one found it normal and oddly comforting. It explained why there was always this great love between them but not really supposed to happen.
Yes, everything seemed to have ended in a nice little package for them all but noone seemed to have minded this same thing in Harry Potter? I felt satisfied with the ending; it wasn't what I was expecting and it wouldn't have happened that way if I was the author, but I liked it.
More suprisingly is how much I liked Bella AFTER she turned into a vampire. I thought it was great and wished that there was more of that in the book (because it did feel like it dragged on for a while there). I was always under the impression that she would be a great vampire and even if I do think that her power is pretty... well Bella, I still found it kind of cool.
I hope that those who are still struggling to finish the other books do and give this one a chance. I thought I would hate it and ended up being pleased by it. I hope it's the same for you, but if not then well... at least you can say you read the darn thing. :P
By Gotaluvsims