1. Name: Selina
2. Date of birth: February 27
3. Place of Birth: Birmingham, AL
4. Time of Birth: 10:29pm
5. Tell me about yourself: Um. I'm here. o.O
6. Do you read my journal?: Duh. How else would I have gotten this?
7. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?: African or European? (Tsss, I cheated, saw Shae's answer and it reminded me XD Holy Grail rocks)
8. Interesting fact about yourself: I have a blue eye and a green eye.
9. Are you in love at the moment, or do you have a crush?: Nuu.
10. Favourite spot/place to be: Shower or bed.
11. Your favourite lyrics (poetry or song): I have too many to have favorites!
12. Best time of the year: Winter
1. A movie: Gia
2. A book: The Men from the Boys
3. Artist/band, song and album: Trans-Siberian Orchestra "The Dark" and "Misery" from Beethoven's Last Night
4. a person for me to add: Um.
mistressnashya PLUS
1. One thing you like about me: Your drive to write
2. Two things you like about yourself: My eyes, my imagination
3. If we have mutual LJ friends, tell me what you like about them: Shae's very random. Makes for good fun.
4. Put this in your own journal so I can tell you what I like about you: :P