**The following transcript, submitted to this user by those featured therein, has not been pre-read by this user but may contain minor or massive spoilers for Final Fantasy XV.**
Three men and two teenagers sit in a circle of chairs. Cloud, the youngest, wears a look of worry on his usually-beaming face, and is squeezing the right hand of the man to his left far more tightly than usual. Sephiroth wears his typical passive expression, except when he gives Cloud smiles of reassurance. On Cloud’s other side, Zack sits up a bit straighter than he normally would, and frequently looks at his fiancé with a faint agitation that he seems to be unaware of. Angeal himself looks very serious, but really, when does he not? Finally, Genesis is slumped in his chair, arms crossed petulantly, with a lap full of papers ready to fall at any moment.
Angeal: “I call this meeting of the Choir to order.”
Zack: “This is an official meeting? Do we actually even do that?”
Cloud: “Should we be doing this without Ammy-chan? Without even asking her?”
Sephiroth: “Genesis, you’ve been monitoring. What was she doing when you last checked in?”
Genesis: *sits a bit taller* “DLC about a jaunty-hatted pedo.”
Sephiroth: *frowns* “I trust you are not using that word without good reason.”
Genesis: “Well, perhaps I’m not going so much by canon, but the Musee’s tastes in fiction pairings and categories are known to us all, are they not?”
Zack: *smirks* “Aw, hoping to meet a kindred spirit, weren’t you?”
Genesis: “Angeal, your jailbait is trying to provoke me. Also, yes.”
Angeal: *bangs gavel*
Zack: “…the fuck did you get a gavel?”
Angeal: “Shinternet. Anyway, that leads to one of the points of this meeting, the possibility of new people joining us.”
Sephiroth: “New members? Do you really foresee that possibility? It didn’t happen with X. Genesis, did Amarissia say anything?”
Genesis: *rifling through his notes* “A lot of things. Let’s see…” *clears throat, affects a badly-done female voice, reads* “’OMIGOD! RAMUH! THEY’VE FUCKING GOT RAMUH!’ Then there was a lot of squeeing.”
Zack: “Our Ramuh?”
Sephiroth: “Clearly not only ours. The Founders’ Ramuh might be a better way to put it.”
Zack: “Is that what we’re calling them now?”
Sephiroth: “I prefer it to ‘gods.’”
Genesis: “Apparently they’re Astrals now.” *still going through notes* “I’ve been trying to keep on top of it all, but…hold on.” *answers his ringing phone* “Hello? At a Choir meeting. Yes, we have those. What’s up? I see. Okay. The fuck is a Kingsglaive? Well, tell me when you find out.” *puts phone away* “She’s zoomed through all the DLC. All that remains is a movie, apparently.”
Cloud: “They have a movie too? Cool!”
Angeal: “What else did Amarissia say?”
Genesis: “She’s already written two shorts and is plotting a multi-chapter. Hmph! I’ve told her that my vampire smut-fic takes precedence over all, and I know she’s working on the penultimate Decorum, hmm, maybe that’s why she’s been so weepy. Either that or Prince Emo and his band of merry men have really affected her. She hasn’t so much joined this fandom as she’s violently thrown herself into it.”
Angeal: “Then it’s good we’re having this discussion. Seph, I’m guessing the XV portal is fully formed?”
Sephiroth: “Yes. And locked as tightly as the others…”
Genesis: *mutters* “Meanie.”
Sephiroth: “…but as you know, Amarissia can open it whenever she likes.”
Cloud: “Is that bad? We could make new friends!”
Zack: “It’s bad, Spiky, just trust me.”
Genesis: “Oh, come on now, Puppy. Surely you’d like a rival for my attention which you somehow don’t appreciate?”
Zack: *glares* “That’s exactly WHY I don’t want anyone new coming here. I’m not gonna let you harass anyone else, even if that means dealing with you more myself. Anyway, if Amarissia’s newest angst-magnet does show up, you’ve forgotten about the Great Uke Defender.”
Genesis: “Seph, you’d let me have my fun, wouldn’t you?”
Sephiroth: “Not likely. I know you don’t always require consent, but I do. Should Noctis appear amongst us without his protectors, I will feel obliged to stand in for them.”
Angeal: “Gen, I know that expression, don’t start shrieking. Who else is she focused on?”
Genesis: “Hmph. The supposed villain…” *checks notes* “Ardyn. Charming accent, wears entirely too many clothes, and is he of the jaunty hat I mentioned earlier. He’s pretty sexy, can I at least meet him?”
Sephiroth: “Age?”
Genesis: “Over two thousand.”
Sephiroth: “I would not object, then.”
Angeal: “Wait, the one you called a pedo?”
Genesis: “Just a jest. Amarissia was reading fanfic, and you know her…’Gealy, I know that face, and you’re not going to keep me from getting some perfectly-legal tail because of Puppy!”
Zack: “Much as I hate it, I have to agree with Genesis this time. I better not be a reason for keeping some weirdo with a hat away from us.”
Genesis: “We’ll just get Ammy-chan to agree to limit any crossovers that might happen to ones not containing the Puppy. Simple.”
Sephiroth: “I don’t want this Ardyn person near Cloud either.”
Cloud: “But maybe he needs hugs.”
Sephiroth: *pats Cloud’s hand* “Should that be the case, he can hug Genesis.”
Zack: *smirks* “Is that what we’re calling it now?”
Genesis: *has not heard, is busy texting* “Damn it, Amarissia says she can’t pair me with jaunty-hat because she can’t write either of us bottoming. I told her then we’ll need Prince Emo after all, but she just said not to tempt her. Hmph. As if that’s not my function as a muse!”
Angeal: “While you’ve got her attention, Gen, just ask her if she plans to add to our number. Might as well be straightforward about this.”
Genesis: “Fine, fine.”
Zack: “Too bad the Crazy Lady is rarely fond of female characters. That Oracle girl would get along well with Aerith, I bet.”
Cloud: “I heard Ammy-chan say a girl named Aranea is badass, and she might be related to Cid!”
Zack: “I doubt I need to ask, but is there a Cid?”
Genesis: “Yeah, but he’s way too old to consider fucking.” *checks phone* “She says no current plans to change the Choir, and she wants us to know she still loves us the most.”
Cloud beams. Seeing his happiness, Sephiroth himself smiles faintly. Zack looks skeptical, shrugging indifferently when Angeal looks at him. The latter calls their attention by banging his gavel.
Genesis: *mutters* “Everything’s getting banged but me.”
Angeal: “Meeting adjourned.”