Jan 19, 2007 23:21
1. What's your name or nickname?Amarins
2. How many weeks pregnant are you? today exactly 20 weeks
3. Is this your first baby?yes, it's the first!
4. How do you feel about your pregnancy so far? when I start to get comfortable with the phase I'm in , it's already time for the next step. Time is flying fast!
5. What types of milestones have you reached already related to your pregnancy? I'm halfway today, that feels good!
6.How do you feel about the fact that you'll be a "mom" or if this isn't
your first how do you feel about adding another baby to your family? I wanted to be a mom for years already (and my husband a dad) and when we moved into our house last summer and got everything with work and finance in a stable position, we could finally go for it and almost immediately I was pregnant. It still amazes me that it worked out so fast and that everything is going alright. The baby is very welcome and I'm looking forward to be a mom!
I'm from the Netherlands, and pregnancy and being pregnant is not as medical here as it is in most other Western countries. Over here it's considered 'normal' to have a home delivery, to have a natural birth and c-sections are only done when really necessary. When you have a normal pregnancy, you don't see a doctor, but go to a midwife. (this doesn't mean that I agree with all this being 'normal' or 'good') I joined the Live Journal forums to read about all the other possible ways of being pregnant, because I'm curious, and want to know what's possible and 'normal' in other countries.
Feel free to friend me, I would love to have more pregnant ladies on my friendslist!