Fandom Survey

Jul 20, 2007 21:21

Gacked from
aome and

1. How long have you been in the fandom?
Since 2001, when I started lurking on LJ

2. Where did you start out in fandom?

I wrote my first HP fanfic early spring 2002 for the Severus Snape Fu-Q-Fest (SS/Sorting Hat)

3. Which fandom pastimes - do you participate in?

Reading, lurking on LJ and other places, occasionally commenting and sometimes publishing what I write.

4. What (if anything) has changed for you in the fandom?

It has enriched my life in so many ways. I've become friends in RL with people I've met through fandom, found lots of nice people both online and offline as well enormous amounts of good writing, wonderful art and found new perspectives on life and my own writing as well.,

5. Will you still be with us after Saturday - or is it over now that canon is over?

I won't give up!

6. Five fandom memories

a. The  onechocfrogaday Christmas calendar!
b. Going to London for PoA and meeting lots of fandom people.
c. I've had lots of fandom moments with pingviini. Like when we watched the reports from Nimbus 2003 with chinawolf. An autumn dinner with pinguthegreek. Harry's Frrreaky Frrriends. Looking for HP merchandise with

d. The GoF weekend when all the Finnish HP fangirls and birdisland were here and we had dinner at
kupukello's flat.

e. All the beta reading I've done (and vice versa) for people like
salixbabylon and others.

7. Who was your first fandom friend? 
pingviini whom I first met for watching CoS after finding out on LJ that we lived in the same city.

9. Craziest theory you ever heard.
Harry will wake up at the end of book 7 and realize it was all a dream. 
10. Your favorite crack!theory.
Knight2King (Ron is Dumbledore)

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