Today I voted on the proposition to begin a curbside recycling program in Norman. This is only the second or maybe third time I've voted outside a presidential election.
Yeah, I just got an email from OUrEarth saying it passed. More than 70% in favor is pretty impressive. I'm usually one of the youngest also. Do you vote on all the local stuff like mayor and governor? I feel guilty for not doing it, but I usually know nothing about the candidates/issues...I guess I should work on that.
it's like those elections are opaque on purpose, it is sad. California sent out a whole voting package with profiles on all the candidates, information about all the proposed legislation changes, pro and con arguments, for both state and city candidates and legislation. I was quite surprised.
I don't know if it's just my imagination, but It always seems like I'm the youngest voter in my polling place by about 40 years. :)
The recycling thing passed, in case you didn't hear yet.
Like cellogirl said, I think a lot of Oklahoma politicians actually depend on the voters being uninformed.
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