
Oct 19, 2004 12:56

The LJ Interests meme—it will doubtless surprise nobody that I'm largely "unusual."

How common are amarceluk's interests
Universal poetry (197998)
reading (352824)
writing (351052)

Popular coffee (91395)
fantasy (63766)

Common depression (24590)
films (23863)
html (20334)
long hair (12729)
monty python (40966)
shakespeare (30453)
sushi (48595)
tarot (17636)
walking (40732)
web design (31285)
wine (24953)

Specialist bipolar (2651)
cocktails (3690)
crossword puzzles (2605)
daily show (1455)
editing (3700)
edward gorey (7793)
etymology (2286)
foreign languages (4454)
ghost stories (3251)
herbs (5956)
japanese food (5707)
jon stewart (4870)
liz phair (6292)
manic depression (1337)
marriage (5217)
mice (3884)
mixed drinks (1280)
monogamy (1145)
mozilla (1013)
perl (3835)
philadelphia (4218)
screenplays (1407)
stand-up comedy (3127)
tarot cards (5828)
the daily show (8244)
voting (1913)

Unusual budgerigars (74)
budgies (446)
cashmere (624)
citrus fruit (77)
crime novels (169)
cryptic crosswords (143)
dead languages (535)
delaware (683)
dennis lehane (146)
fiction writing (616)
firefox (470)
gems (936)
gemstones (956)
heiroglyphs (56)
ivy league (219)
m.r. james (51)
parakeets (775)
pet birds (45)
pet mice (24)
regency england (67)
ritalin (481)
robin mckinley (704)
shiny rocks (25)
south philly (71)
spiny mice (12)
standup comedy (573)
tarot decks (107)
ukraine (719)
ukrainian (130)
weird words (134)
word origins (98)
yale (616)

Rare small gardens (5)
textpad (6)
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