It's time of celebration

Jul 05, 2007 14:04

Today I have great news at work (more information at my personal journal) and I decide to make a little game to celebrate it.

The other day I see these layouts @ butterflybox:

And I really fall in love with these, so I decide to make:

Community Header & Icon Challenge


About the Header & Icon

Width: 800px

Height: doesn't matter

Subject: what you want, any fandom is accepted, also stock etc..

Only one thing: the default icon we can see clearly the name of the community

Dates & Awards

Deadline: July 20th

How to submit your entry?: Replying to this post, only replying to this post

Who can participate?: all the iconmakers and members of this community

Which is the award?: Obviously promotion at first, second a pretty banner, and finally two interest icon for each maker of the community, do you like it?

So come on let fly your imagination!!!!

community: awards, community, community: layout

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