Happy New Year everyone !
I hope 2010 will be a great year for you all :D
I am very glad to leave 2009. It has been a great year when it comes to the Internet and my fangirl life but in real life... it has been the opposite, between a giant disaster and extreme (not always good) feelings.
I hope 2010 will be better :)
To remember this new year better I made
Scrapbook 2010 !
Join 2010_scrapbook Think about the year that has passed. All the memories, the entries and posts that made the year special. Think about all your past layouts, default icons, mood themes. How about all those conversations you had via comments, or the huge post in ONTD that you spent all night commenting on. The 2010 Scrapbook Post is a way to help you remember all of that, in a single post.
And just before the end of 2009 I moved all my fanfictions at
allisenmots, to help me organize and have them all in one place.
I still don't know why I write this in english, since only one little fic is written in english.
And before I end this messy post...
Here's a meme stolen from
gabytrompelamor about 2009 and fandom.
1. Your fandom of the year
Merlin !
I can't choose any other. I discovered the show thanks to audiofics and since then I'm completely addicted and it is the best fandom in the world ! It even makes me ship and slash almost everyone with anyone.
2. Your favourite film seen this year
I don't remember all I've seen... But I think Sunshine Cleaning or Inglorious Basterds.
I can't choose.
3. Your favourite book read this year
I read so much this year, it's hard to choose...
Maybe Millenium by Stieg Larsson.
4. Your favourite cd heard this year
This is War by 30 seconds to mars
I wasn't excepting it before 2010, so that was a really nice surprise. And it is an amazing album. I can't wait to be in march to hear it live !
5. Your favourite tv show seen this year
I'm tempted to say Merlin again, but I also want to mention Skins which I love and discovered in 2009 too.
6. Your favourite community of this year
mf_100_motsIt made me start writing weekly again, even if it's not always very much.
7. Your fandom discovery of the year
Hummm... Merlin. I can't choose Skins here, because Merlin also got me into the arthurian legends and it has the best fandom I know :D
8. Your biggest deception of the year
No more Pushing Daisies, no more Sarah Connor Chronicles.
9. Your fiction boyfriend of the year
JJ, from Skins
10. Your fiction girlfriend of the year
Morgana, from Merlin
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year
The biggest... I don't know, it's hard to pick just one.
I squeed a lot in pretty much any Naomily scene, but then evil!Morgana, Morgause and Mordred made me squee a lot too :P
I really can't choose one moment.
12. The old fandom that you missed
the Pretender
I've been really nostalgic... and watching random episodes a lot.
13. The fandom you haven't seen yet but want to
Gilmore Girls, and anything by Bryan Fuller.
14. Your highest fangirl hope for the new year
A great Merlin serie 3 with a lot of Morgana in it and a Sir Leon alive.
Skins, please don't make me hate a character I loved in the previous season.