People get what they deserve.

Jan 22, 2006 21:06

Disclaimer: this is a result of a few minutes of ponder, and a few more minutes of typing. It's nothing more than an observation of the world, and the very few lives I've come in contact with. It's a rare moment of introspection. Feel free to read or scroll past. I'm just glad I was lucky enough to be at a keyboard when it came into my head, so it didn't go the way of so many of my ideas and thoughts, and never get put down. Please read if you have a few minutes, and the attention span. If not, it's ok. :)

It doesn't always happen right away, in fact years can pass where someone suffers through hardships, someone else shits on everyone around her, but I believe that karma eventually wins out. People do get what they deserve. It's more difficult to actually see this from within your head. For example, you might be thinking, what about me? My life sucks! Why don't I have what I deserve? Well, maybe you have it and you don't realize it. Beautiful children, ass-hole or bitch Ex. Friends who care about you, can barely pay the bills. I'm not saying that everyone's life is cake. I know it's not true. But I believe that if you lead a good life, if you try to treat people well, then it'll come around.

That's what it comes down to, I believe. Treating people well. I'm not saying you're not allowed to slip. God knows I've treated people like crap at times, sometimes without meaning it, sometimes (to my shame) with the full intent of pain. I'm not saying that you have to be a saint. But you have to try.

Example #1. Lived a life he wasn't very happy with, and it showed. Then he did something about it. He made a radical change, left his safe zone, went far away where he didn't have a net, and made an attempt at a life. And yeah, while not all of his ducks seem to be in a row, he seems happy. He seems like he has direction in his life. And I am so happy for him. He isn't a saint, but he treats me well, he treats most of his friends well, and life is treating him well in return. And he deserves it.

Example #2. Got trapped into a relationship while searching for her dreams. When she found the strength to do something about it, instead of abandoning her useless spouse, she stayed with him, supported him. Lived for herself and, more important to her, her daughter. Finally was released. She lives her life every day, just for her. She spent years putting other people first, much of the time other people who didn't deserve it. Her husband was abusive, her daughter unappreciative at times. But she got through it. She persevered. And now she gets to live the way she wants to live, a beautiful life. And she deserves it.

Example #3. At the home stretch of his life. His business is in ruins. His personal relationships are a sham. Has never treated those close to him with the respect and love that they deserve. Refuses to respect anyone enough to allow someone to preserve his livelihood, for the future. His wife is a beautiful creature, inside and out. His business has the potential for greatness. But he squandered both, and as a result he is sad. Pathetic. A source of disrespect (and sometimes disgust) to most of those who know him. Sadly, he deserves it.

I only know portions of these people's stories. I know that there are always other factors, factors that not everyone sees or understands. Everyone is misunderstood in some way or another. But I look at these lives, at many others, and I see that the clichés are correct. What goes around, comes around.

And all I have to say to you is, be careful. Be very careful. Be careful how you treat people. Be careful how you live. It's fairly certain that I'm wrong. I can't see into the inner workings of the world. I'm not completely sure. I see lots of lives that seem unfair, but very few stories are played out yet.

This is what I believe.
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