Wow. I dont think I ever spilled that much... emotion. But everyone did. Me and Chelsea, Morgan, and Lauren went to this Challenge Day thing, along with 25 others from our school. It involved three schools, and one day of... emotion.
So we got there at around 8:30, all of us thinking... well, that this was an incredibly lame way of spending a PD Day. I wouldn't have spent it any other way. We played a couple games, and spent the morning getting to know the people from the other 2 schools that were there, and sharing our thoughts, and feelings, and everything. Then, after lunch we got into the... heavy stuff. We played this game that was like... REALLY heartwrenching. They had all of us, teachers included, stand on one side of a line, and they said things like.. "If you've ever felt alone, step to the other side of the line." It was really hard to see how many people, people you knew, and people you didn't know until today felt, on a day to day basis.
Then the hard one came. Everyone was crying by this one, we were hugging, and trying to make eachother feel better, but then they asked the one that I fell apart on.
"Go to the other side of the line if you've ever attempted, known someone who has, or seriously considered suicide."
I crossed. Remembering my uncle, who hung himself, remembering that February night last year, when I tried to take myself away. From everything. Most of the teachers stayed behind, and Mr.Harvey just looked at me, clinging to my friends arm, crying like an idiot. And the people from my school, looking at me like, "Oh my god, what is she doing over there?" and the people around me, also looking for someone to hug, or a shoulder to cry on. It was amazing. When we all got back to the normal side, all the people left oevr there, came and gave us hugs, and told us it was all going to be okay, and that we WERE loved, and we weren't alone. That felt... really nice. To be able to bring it out, and be told your not 'selfish' or an 'attention grabber' or your 'just faking it' to know that these people actually believed you, and... cared about you enough to try to make the pain go away.
Even when they didn't even know you.
Yeah, some might say it was a waste of PD Day, but I am SO glad that I went, I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.